Author's Note:
Heya! Sorry for being inactive for like such a long time, I just kinda forgot about writing this and I had deleted wattpad so I couldn't continue anyway, I'm gonna try and work on it more but I don't know if I'm gonna write like evey day now. 😅
Anyway here ya go! Enjoy!It's been a while since Crystal had ran into Asher and Klarise. After regrouping with them and Zayne, she brought them back to Ezra and Soren who were fighting about how to cook some sort of meat.
Apparently the girl, Klarise, had runaway from the orphanage she was in, her parents had died when she was young and she didn't know whether or not she had any siblings, but what did it matter? She felt alone all her life and she was grateful that the group hadn't sent her back."Thank you all of you" Klarise said one night, "It honestly means a lot to me, and I hope I'm not intruding or anything" She looked up at Asher who still had this look in his green eyes.
But.. She died.. This.. Can't.. Be true.. He ran his fingers through his black hair.
"Hey man, everything okay?" Ezra asked him with a worried look on his face.
"Hmm." Asher looked up startled and looked around noticing everyone was looking at him. "Uh. Yeah, I'm fine... I need to clear my head" And with that he left, leaving the group a bit startled.
"Well don't just stand there you idiots" Zayne said rolling his eyes. "One of you go talk to him"
"I'll go" Ezra said, starting to get up.
"No" Klarise said her green eyes glistening "let me try talking to him, I don't know him that well but just five me a shot."
Nodding the others agreed and while she left the others decided to figure out a plan to figure out where the rest of their friends are."So first, Scoth, Raven, Zephron, Aaron, Shade, Seth, and Ashton are missing from all of us combined." Zayne says with a worried look on his face.
"Wow okay, but does anyone know how we all got here? I mean to this point?" Crystal asked.
"Hm. No, not really the last thing I remember was us fighting and than all went black and when I woke up I was stuck somewhere,where? I have no idea!" Soren says kind of frustrated. "And then I'm stuck with the two love birds and third-wheeling like a pro"
"HEY! first, we aren't 'lovebirds' second stop being such a pussy? Will ya!? We are trying to survive and find our groups and then we will go our separate ways and that will be the end of that!? K???" Ezra yells at Soren. "And if you want to leave so bad just teleport out of here" Ezra pushes his hair away from his face revealing barely his left eye."Don't you think I would've done that already!? But incase you haven't noticed, my crystal ba--" Soren started but was cutoff by Zayne pushing between the two.
The other two guys sit back down a little shocked from Zayne's outburst.
"Hey, Asher.. You okay?" Klarise approached Asher, his back turned to her so she couldn't see his face.
"Uh.. Yeah... I'm.. " He started but then he started crying, loud sobs, shoulders shaking and Hus face wet from tears.
"Hey... It's okay. Don't cry" Klarise says as she sits next to him and rests her hand on his shoulder.
"No.. It's.. Not.." He said between sobs. "All my life.. I've been trying to avoid something.. Something I shouldn't have been ignoring.. You.. And my past... " Asher turns to look at Klarise and she surprises him by giving a hug, "You don't have to tell me about it.. But I'm kinds curious.. But I'm not going to pressure you.. " Her green eyes look into his as she wipes a stray tear from his cheek.There's a slight rustle and Klarise turns to see Zayne standing behind. A worried look on his face, "Is he okay" He whispers.
Klarise nodes as she gets up and wipes the dirt from her legs, she walks over to Zayne and says "I think you should talk to him, he isn't saying much to me but maybe he will to you, he did mention something of me in his past.. Maybe that's why.. " She looked up a Zayne and then heads back over to where the group was camping out for the night.
Zayne approaches Asher and sits down where Klarise sat. Shifting uncomfortably, he didn't know what to do.. Or how to help the situation.
"Hey man, you good?" Zayne says trying to look at Asher's face, which was buried in his knees.
"Why do you care? Don't you just want to kill me in the end anyway?" Asher says a bit shakily."Not anymore.. I don't know why.. But I just don't think I can hurt you.. It's weird but I have a feeling we know each other from somewhere and plus I've grown quite fond of the little group we have.. I've gotten soft... And personally it feels great not be so heartless. But I don't think my life will ever be the same.. " Zayne looks down at Asher, Asher being a lot more shorter than Zayne.
Asher rests his head on Zayne's chest and Zayne puts his arm around Asher.
"If it makes you feel any better Ezra and Soren are starting to get a little more better with each other."Asher laughs, wiping tears away, "they remind me of me and my friend, Raven.. "
Asher looks into Zayne's red eyes and blushes a little.
"Hey, you want to tell me about it?" Zayne asks looking at Asher with a raise eyebrow."Well... It's.. I have never told anyone this before... Because I don't like my past" He started.
Zayne grunts "Who does anymore?"
Asher smiled a little and then continued. "I wasn't always a bandit, hunting food and stealing to get things I needed... I used to live in a castle.. As a prince.. But I never really liked it there.. Too much duty and I just wanted to be like a regular kid and just wanted to live life a simple way.. I had ran away when I was 8 and lived with an old couple until I was 13." Asher looked up at Zayne trying to process everything.
"There I met someone, he was my best friend, but as we got older we started to drift. And one day he left and never came back.." Zayne's eyes widened at that.
"No... Was.. That.. Me..?"Zayne's eyes fill slowly with tears.
" I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. I mean I have had this feeling I knew you so.. "Asher said wiping the tears from Zayne's face.
" I'm so sorry.. I left.. And.. Then.. Tried to kill you... "
"Hey, it's fine, plus look at us now, we found each other again and now you won't kill me, I hope.. " Asher said smiling.
"Haha yea.." Zayne looks into the distance.
"Anyway.. When I was fifteen.. I heard that the king and queen had a daughter. She was six at that time, but I had never heard of her before. And I need day someone came and killed both the king and queen, along with the daughter.. Or so I thought.." Asher said looking down.
Zayne gasped, "Klarise?"
Asher nodded.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's not your fault" Asher said, giving Zayne a hug. "I don't know what this feeling is but it feels good." Asher said
"Me neither" He hugged Asher back and blushed.

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...