"Where am I?" A blue eyed girl said as she rubbed her bruised arm. "What happened?"
Looking cautiously around, she looks at the grey sky and back at the ground. Is this blood? She touches the ground and lifts her fingertips,noticing the red she gasps. "Who? What?"
She carefully gets up and brushes the leaves off her. Cautiously she looks around, hoping that whoever the blood came from wasn't some dangerous animal.
A rustle is heard from a bush. Approaching it closely, she takes a deep breath. "Ezra!" Crystal said as she saw Ezra lying there motionless.
Quickly Crystal tore a piece of her clothing and wrapped it around Ezra's open cut wounds.
She gently works on the wounds and lays his head on her lap. She gently brushes his dark brown hair out of his face to clean a cut on his cheek, and gasps. She notices two scars over his right eye. This must be the cursed eye.. The very thing responsible for turning him into that demonic creature. She slowly started to feel sleepy again, she left Ezra's head in her lap and her ripped clothing on his arm, and slowly she started to drift off.
"Wha-t.. Where am I?" Ezra woke up later that morning. He winced from the pain and when he reached for his arm he noticed the bandage. He looked to his right and saw Crystal sleeping.
So she's the one who gave me this bandage.His eyes widen and as he notices for the first time that she is freezing cold. Hmm the fire..
But Ezra was too tired to rebuild any fire. So instead he did something he never thought he would do ever again. He reached over and pulled her close, her head was on buried in his chest and his arms were wrapped around her, trying to keep her warm, and slowly Ezra started to drift off to sleep again.In the morning, Crystal woke up and felt heavy breathing. She looked up and saw Ezra hugging her in his sleep. Slowly he started opening his eyes and when he noticed her looking up at him, he quickly let her go and blushed red.
"I'm sorry... I.." Ezra stuttered looking down in embarrassment.
"No, it's fine, it felt nice, I was kept warm" Crystal said giving him a warm smile.
"Aw well aren't you two the perfect couple" a voice said from behind them.
"What do you want Soren?" Ezra said knowing that voice all too well.
"To know where the hell are we?! And how did we get here!?" Soren said his green eyes glistening in the morning sun.
"Well first, let's make sure you won't kill us" Crystal said getting up.
"If I'm going to kill anyone it's him" Soren said pointing at Ezra, "I need you alive."
Ezra stood up and glared at Soren.
"But your in luck, I'm not going to kill anyone, because I need your help as well as you need mine" Soren gave Ezra a smirk.
Finally after trying to convince Ezra that he was innocent, Soren, who had already explored part of the strange area, helped the two find a way to get to a nearby village.
"But how do you know that's safe" Crystal asked looking onto the village that lay before them.
"I don't" Soren laughed.
"Shhh" Soren pushed a finger to her lips to quiet her.
"Stay away from her" Ezra said angrily as he pushed Soren out of the way.
Crystal quickly blushed and looked away.
"Ugh you two make me sick" Soren said. "What next? Making out? Saying 'I love you' a million times?"
"Hey! It's nothing like that!" Ezra and Crystal said at the same time.
"Whatever" Soren rolled his eyes.
"Okay, so here's the plan, Crystal you go in and look around the village and then come back and get us and make sure to bring other clothes as disguises. We will wait here" Soren said later that afternoon looking onward to the village.
"Wait, why?" Crystal asked.
"Ugh in case you haven't noticed, I work for the dark circle? And Mr. Lover-boy over here is a high crime bandit,who is wanted in many parts of the kingdom" Soren said as he shot a look at Ezra.
"Hey! Why do you make me sound like the bad guy here?" Ezra said crossing his arms.
"Uhm.. Traitor?" Soren pointed out.
"Ugh whatever, Crystal you ready?" Ezra said casting his glance on Crystal.
"Yeah, I think so" She said as their eyes connected.
"Uhm.. You know.. I can go.. And.. Leave you two alone.. Because I'm literally just third wheeling this.. So yeah bye!" Soren started to walk away but Ezra grabbed his hood from his cloak.
"You aren't going anywhere. And cut it out with the whole love thing." Ezra said in a stern voice.
"Well excuse me for being realistic here"
Quietly Crystal walked toward the village and as she approached more closely, she turned around and saw Soren and Ezra watching her. What is it with those guys? They really seem to not like each other. I mean.. I don't blame them.. But.. Oh well..
She took a deep breath and entered the village. She looked around and she noticed everybody watching her. Do I have something on my face?
She pulled tighter the jacket she had on, which Ezra had given her as a sort of disguise and warmth.
Sure he may seem rude and cold-hearted, but he's a softy and he cares a lot about people, he just has a hard time showing it.She was thrown out of her thoughts as a girl ran into her. "Well hello there."
"Excuse me, I didn't mean to" The girl said looking up at her with glistening green eyes.
"Klarise! Where are you?" A very familiar voice yelled. "Klarise there you are, Zayne is looking for you"
"I'm coming!" Klarise called back. "Excuse me miss again"
"That's okay" Crystal said as she scanned the area looking for the familiar voice.
"Crystal?" A voice said from behind her. She turned around and saw the familiar face.
"Asher!!" She ran up to him and threw herself into a hug. "Thank goodness you are alright"
"Me too Crystal, me too" Asher said hugging back.
Author's note:
Heya! Sorry for the super long wait. I've been sorta busy but mostly lazy. Anyway hope you enjoyed it!

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...