"What.. Happened?" Ezra said rubbing his head.
"Oh my gosh, Ezra! Your awake!" Asher says giving Ezra a hug."About time, Asher here has been losing sleep over you" Raven smiled.
Looking at Asher, Ezra asks, "Really? You actually care? About me? Even after finding out I'm a monster?"
Looking into Ezra's dark brown eye, Asher says, "Of course I care, we are friends, always have been, always will. I promise"
Getting up Ezra grabs his head, "Oh my God! My head hurts so bad"
Placing his fingers on the side of Ezra's head, Scoth notices a bruise and cut. "hmm you'll need to get some rest"
"But.." Ezra started.
"No, you need your rest. Asher you too, you have been up since the night he fell."Scoth said as got a wet rag and placed it on Ezra's forehead.
Getting up and dusting the dirt off him, Asher walks out of the tent and heads to his own.
Crystal looks up and sees Asher." Is he up?"
Nodding Asher yawns and gets into his tent.
" That stupid fool" A brown haired man said. "He will pay"
"Don't you think that we exposed Shade too soon?" A tall man with a robotic arm said.
"No, Aaron, we did it just fine, we need to find out where they are hiding and where that crystal is." Zephron replied.
"What if they find out about you?" Aaron said with a look of worry in his dark blue eyes.
"Then they'll know. I tend to keep my past hidden and away, I like to try to forget." Zephron said with a twinkle in his red eye.
"Why?" Aaron asked with curiosity.
"Just leave it at that!" Zephron yelled angrily.
"Find anything else about Crystal?" Raven asked one morning just after dawn.
"Yes,and what I find is certainly interesting and yet seems like it could never be true." Scoth said flipping through some papers.
"What do you mean?" Raven asked.
"From what I can see and have read, she is more or less of some kind of royalty. The tattoo on her shoulder, that crystal it makes sense right?" Scoth said looking through the flaps of a tent and to Crystal.
"Uhm.. Yea.. I guess.." Raven said trying to process the information.
"And also there is said to be a missing princess, of the Gem Stone kingdom, and the queen was said to have died in an accident,which ties to her dream where a queen died in a fire, therfore that queen is Queen Ruby and the baby is Crystal."
"Wait! What!? So your telling me she is the missing princess!!!? And how do you know she had a dream?" Raven exploded with questions.
"She told me when I had asked her a few questions. And I'm not so sure but yes it could be true."
Little did both of them know that Shade was standing outside of the tent listening to their conversation. Wait until Zephron hears about this. But wait he's the runa-- He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ezra.
Quickly he made an escape just as Ezra reached the tent.
"What are you guys talking about?" He asked as he walked in looking around him.
"Crystal" Raven said.
"What! Is she okay? Did something happen? More of her past?" Ezra said worried.
"Calm down, yes it is about her past. And why do you care so much?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.
"oh my God! Ezra you are in lo-" Scoth started to tease but was cutoff by Ezra grabbing his collar shirt.
"Shut up, you know I can't be, especially with her, and after what had happened in the past not likely." He said letting go of Scoth.
Later that evening while everyone was sitting around a fire, Crystal had a flashback of a fire, screaming and two faces, but the faces were blurred but you could tell that they were a male and female.
Gasping and blinking she turned her head away from the fire. Noticing her actions, Scoth thinks again about his theory.
She could be. But if she is then what? If she isn't? I need answers and I need them quick. I'll talk to Ezra, he might know something.. No. I need to talk to Zephron, he definitely knows something we don't.
"Hey, uhh Ezra, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Scoth asked looking up.
"Uhm okay" Ezra said getting up slowly because his head was still in pain.
After they were out of ear shot Scoth went straight to the point.
"I need to talk to Zephron."
"What! Why?! Don't you know how much he wants to kill all of you? Especially me" Ezra said shaking his head.
"I know, but it's about Crystal and he has to know something..plus you were like his closest friend." Scoth said hopelessly.
"I know but.." Ezra said. "Fine, I know where to find him, we'll go tomorrow, but only us two or he'll think it's an attack"
"Yes, we need answers." Scoth said looking back at Crystal.
Author's note:
Sorry for such a short chapter but I just want to get it done and again sorry for taking a while on writing. Anyway enjoy and comment what you think! (Vote too, btw not forcing)

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...