Chapter 23

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A/N: 1969?! Wattpad you smoking something? Lol

Also this book is ending soon, finally. It's been like a year since I first started this book, anyways love you guys byee~

Sirius was trying to refrain himself from ripping Dumbledore's throat out. That sick bastard! How could he! To know that he blindly trusted that filthy thieving bastard.

Everyone in the room stared at the mortified hog tied man on the floor. They couldn't believe their ears, it must have been a mistake. After freeing Sirius and jailing Pettigrew. Dumbledore was put on trial for his crimes, Dumbledore tried to plead not guilty however with the truth serum mixed with the original one. He split out his deepest and darkest secrets.

He admitted to pushing Tom Riddle to the "dark side" and for turning a blind eye when Tom pleaded him to help defend his from his bullies. However Dumbledore turned his nose in disgust at the pleading little boy and went on his way. That was like the big push that led tom to become the snake hybrid Voldemort he was today.

Finally he admitted to stealing money from many family vaults including the Potter's, in which many disgusted and scathing looks were thrown at him.

Sirius along with everyone in the room were seething in anger and disgust. Minister Fudge finally did something great in career and sentenced Dumbledore to life in Azkaban for line of (heritage) theft, for lying and forging that her was Harry Potter's magical guardian. Theft, for stealing money from many vaults; kidnapping, for taking Harry to live with the Dursleys without official consent and many many other things.

And with that they snapped Dumbledore's wand and took him away screaming and struggling. Having enough of getting hit by dumbass one of the guards knocked him out the muggles way, in which he was given a warning by a not so worried and an amused Madame Bones.

And with that Hadrian signed in relief, looking at his now reunited godfather he ran and gave him a hug before Sirius was pulled away by his mom who hugged the living daylights out of the happy and tired Sirius.

After many hugs and reunions, Siri was taken away for rehab, but when he's finished he'll come live with us which got Hadrian pretty excited.

When Hadrian arrived back at school he ran to his room to tell everyone the good news. His family happily congratulated him and signed in relief Dumbly was no longer a problem.

For a moment they all sat in silence. What was next? What were they suppose to do next? Sitting in silence Hadrian remembered something.

"Guys... ", he started looking at them.

"I'm going back, I'm leaving to America", he finished.

. . .


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