Context to why this is a thing lol (N/A)

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So lemme give you a quick rundown. I've read a shit ton of cringe ass fan fiction and me and my friends constantly talk about writing one, me being me accepted it as a challenge following recurring story lines I've read putting them all into one fanfic - you're welcome *sarcasm noted.

So this is a fanfic which hops between P.O.V but still follows the same story line.

The chapters will probably range between short and long depending on events in the story line and other stuff like to get to the point ect.

This fanfic will be using names of KPop Idols BTS, the names being used and the characters given are not related, same goes for ages ect; they are there for the stories sake.

Please don't attac over ships and all that jazz because this is just being written mainly revolving around the ships me and my friends have - we respect all the members and their choices, even if they aren't together irl it doesn't matter as long as there happy which I couldn't stress more - please don't come for me ;~;

Lastly I hope you enjoy the awkward cringe which is this fic and I hope you can respect it and stuff, I know such good explaining.

ENJOY (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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