Part 5: Lesson 1

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Jimin P.O.V:

Damn it that kid with Y/N is so annoying, what's his name again? Jeon Jungkook, I only know him by his nick names off tae I just got used to them over the years since him and tae are so close.

He's handsome, well mannered and he is defending her like a prince would in a fairy tale; it's annoying.

They seem to get on well to but that's no fun, I wanted to see Y/N get annoyed so that I could tease her about it but now I can't because of her focus being on that kid.

The way they were talking and laughing for the whole first part of the lesson was annoying me so I messaged Yoongi telling him about his little sisters new friend and he texted her to be a jerk Which I appreciated.

I then caught Y/N on her phone responding to him so gave her a detention like any other good teacher would.

The look on her face was so funny that I had to stop myself from laughing, she was so done and not surprised in the slightest.

Well I guess there's a lesson for her to earn from this, that I wasn't gonna let this be a walk in the park for her, the only park she should have to worry about is Park Jimin.

I guess it would only be right of me to teach her a lesson about going on her phone during class like the concerned "big brother" I am.

Class is ending soon so that will just leave her and me.

Y/N P.O.V:

The bell rang at that just left the two of us, me and Park Jimin.

The class left reluctantly as all the girls wanted to talk to "Mr Park" about one thing or another, I was fine with that but then he decided he was gonna introduce a thing during the tutorial part of the morning for questions so everyone left faster than I would've preferred, even Jungkookleft pretty fast.

I sat there waiting to be told what work to get on with but instead of him telling me and marking stuff or whatever it is teachers do he walked up to me pulling a chair in front of me sitting on it resting his arms on the back as he leaned over it.

I looked down avoiding his eye contact, I felt nervous after my thoughts this morning still not justifying them to myself scared of what I might think.

It's not like I hate Jimin, it's just that he always finds away to get on my nerves when he's unprovoked; the fact that everyone supports him when I snap back drives me insane.

That smug smile that was on his face when I first met him keeps popping up in my memory, I don't know why, that smile made me feel so many things I thought was hate but the more I think about it the less sense it makes.

It made my heart beat fast, and I distinctly remember all the blood rushing to my ears making them burn.

The more time I spent with him the more I got used to him being around me, it the littlest things can make me feel the way I did the first time we met.

"Y/N..."  huh.

I looked up, directly meeting his gaze, he was so close to my face that I could feel his breath.


I stumbled back off my chair jumping at how close he was breathing out in relief before he stood up leaning over the table using both hands to support himself as he lent forward.

"What's wrong Y/N? your face has gone flushed, is everything okay? you zoned out just a second ago too." Jimin said with an innocent look on his face, however there was nothing innocent about that look on his.

"I'm fine" I said looking straight into Jimin's eyes.

"This isn't fair" I said standing up folding my arms.

"Why isn't this fair? you were on your phone when I was trying to teach. That's breaking the rules."

"And me being in your class isn't? we are brother and sister after all" I said avoiding his response changing topic and tilting my head down still keeping our gaze.

Shit the look in his eyes just changed.

He lent even further forward over the table before he grabbed my arm pulling me closer towards him.

"Listen here kitten, firstly the school board know we're family but they don't care. Secondly don't say we're brother and sister, it annoys me." He said in a low monotone voice.

Shit, he's hot.

Wait? did he? did he just? call me kitten?

Oh no he's looking at me strange, this isn't his normal smugness, I should say something.


"Is K all you have to say." He said in a low raspy voice getting closer to me.

"Yeah." He's close, too close, he shouldn't be this close we're family or am I the only one thinking this way.

"Heh, I think this is the quietest you've ever been Y/N." He said playing with a piece of hair which was tucked behind my ear.

Maybe if I call him by his last name he'll snap out of what ever is wrong with him.

"Mr Park, could you plea-"

He's resting his head on my head, wait what was I gonna say?

"Lesson number 1, don't call me anything other than Jimin when out of class, otherwise you'll be in a dangerous zone young lady and I don't know if i'll be able to help myself." He said staring hopelessly into my eyes.

"Lesson one?" I asked confused as he finally started to back up.

"You'll see what I mean if you don't be a good little girl." He said with an unfamiliar luck on his face, it was attractive don't get me wrong, I was just a bit confused.

"I think thats enough for today Miss Y/N." He said putting my phone on the table.

"Let's go." He said walking over to his desk to grab his things.

Lets? oh wait, yeah mum said Jimin would take me home when I stay late after school.

"Yeah..." I responded following the red haired man in front of me, more confused than ever.

Who is Park Jimin? What do I feel whenever I look at him? And what is he too me?

My brother?

My friend?

or just my roommate?


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