gone but not forgotten

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    "Who are you?" Zak yells out over the spirit box's static noises, Aaron feeling extreme chills and Billy capturing an extremely intelligent EVP that he doesn't listen to until later. No voices come through after five minutes so Zak shuts it off, sighing.

     "Are you sure anything is even here?" Billy asks looking in the direction he thinks Zak is in. "There has to be something here..there are too many obvious signs.."

     Zak had never thought to investigate his own house. He already knew something was there, but there was a totally different vibe now. It felt as if something else has joined the party, and Zak had no clue whether it was an attachment or something more drastic.

    Aaron, Billy, and Zak meet back at nerve where Jay watches the cameras intensely, calling the other boys over to take a gander. "Whoa dude.." Aaron covers his mouth in complete shock at the insane poltergeist activity happening right before his eyes. While Billy, on the other hand, is lost for words.

    Zak stares at the screen, not blinking. The pillow on Zak's side of the bed is slightly shifting and the small lumps in the blanket are being pat down. Zak's eyes begin to water as he stands up straight. "I have an idea..stay here.."

     Zak heads back to his house alone, walking into the master bedroom getting hit with a blast of cold air and your scent. Zak holds out his spirit box and sits on the bed, feeling cold all over. Aaron, Jay, and Billy watching closely from base.

    Zak is silent for a minute. He inhales. "y/n..is that you?.." His eyes start to sting with tears as he hears quiet shuffling from the corner of the room. "y/n..are you here baby?.." Zak's tears are now falling, not caring whether the other guys can see him or not.

    Zak is about to give up when no voices come through, until he hears a faint whisper in his ear. He gasps, unable to say anything else for a while. "You okay?" Billy walkies Zak, him only nodding at the camera, clearly still in shock.

    "y/n, let me know you're here..say something.." Everyone is shocked to hear your voice come through clear as day. "yes zak" Zak's voice starts to shake as he sets the spirit box down, head in his hands. "hey" you come through again, making Zak cry harder.

    "wow..." Jay sat speechless along with the other two guys, the entire situation bring them all close to tears. "baby..i miss you.." Zak's voice cracks as he chokes on sobs. "sorry" he sniffs. "No, don't be sorry...this is not your fault at all, don't be sorry kitten.."

    Zak feels an intense pocket of cold air on his neck, tears staining the bed sheets. "i'm here" Zak laughs. "I know sweetheart I know..I saw you fixing my pillow..I know you like doing that.." Zak turns the spirit box off and pulls out his digital recorder, laying it next to him on the bed.

    "y/n, I just want you to know I love you so much and I miss you. There isn't..a day that goes by that I don't think about you..I just want you to know I love you so much..whether you're here with me physically or not.." the cold air disappears and more faint whispers could be heard before the activity subsides.

     Zak heads back to base, and everyone is silent. While going over the recordings, Zak hears 2 faint sentences.

"don't cry"

holy fuck take a shot every time i put "Zak" in this entire chapter why don't you damn

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