Chapter 19

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The angelic face of Annerly Eve Childs stares back up at me as I begin to cross the room.

She is mesmerising. A perfect head of deep auburn hair tops off a chubby round face. Her lips are plump with a perfect cupid's bow and her cheeks have a red tinge to them.

The cries that were once coming from this precious angel have ceased as she stares at me sitting up from her play mat on the living room floor.

I kneel down in front of her and just gap at her in awe. She is perfect.

"That's the quietest she has been all day," Sage says from behind me. She seems shocked to say the least.

"Hi, Annerly. I'm your aunty Evie." I whisper and to my amazement, I receive a large smile in return.

A perfect dimple on her right cheek appears and I immediately notice the two tiny teeth that are protruding from her red gums.

"That's a beautiful smile you have there. Just like your daddy's."

She lights up again and begins to laugh causing my heart to double in size from the instant and tremendous amount of love I have for this small child.

"It's so nice to finally hear her laugh. She has been grizzly for days. Teething." Sage says as she makes her way to sit on the couch beside us.

I look over at her a smile genuinely at her.

"Thank you," I tell her and she smiles in return.

"Logan asked that I look after her and said that if anything ever happens to him, that you would find us and you would take care of Annerly. Is that why you're here? Did something happen?"

"He said that?" I ask.

"He said that no matter what happens, you are her family and will take care of her if he can't."

I look back to the angelic face that belongs to the last of my family and smile wide.

He knew all along that even after I left I would always be there for my family.

"Mummy?" A soft wail calls from the next room and Sage is up in no time.

She exits the room and as I watch her leave I realise that Alex is standing in the corner of the room watching me and Annerly in silence.

Disgust and fear no longer plague his features. Instead, a small grin graces his lips along with softened eyes that showcase his love for me.

Sage re-enters the room with a small boy on her hip. He looks to be around one year old with soft golden curls on top of his head.

She cradles the boys head to her shoulder and sways with him in her hands.

"Motherhood becomes you, Sage," I say and I truly mean it. She looks so at ease, as though it were the easiest thing in the world for her.

"You think so? It's definitely the hardest thing I have ever had to do."

"Whats his name?" I ask still smiling at my old friend.

"Vitaly. He is named after his great-grandfather." She smiles at her son and then extends her hand on to her small bump. "And if this one is a boy, he will be Wilhelm, after my grandfather. Or if it's a girl, Octavia."

My smile widens and I turn my attention back to my gorgeous niece. Unfortunelty for her, she will never feel her mother embrace her like that ever again. But she will feel the arms of her Aunty every single day from here until eternity.

I stand up but as I do, the chubby arms of Annerly extend up and out for me to pick her up. She doesn't have to ask me twice. I bend down and scoop her up in my arms and hold her close to my chest like she was made of the most precious of things.

I look over to Alex and find him still watching me and can't help but smile when a small chuckle escapes his lips. Annerly has taken to me instantly and nuzzled into my neck with her hand finding its way into my shirt.

"Its so good to see you alive and well. The worst rumours have circled around since that night at the ball." Sage says but trails a little, as though she isn't sure she should continue.

"What rumours?" I prompt.

"That you belonged to a vampire and he came back to collect you. Another that you were made a vampire that night and you killed everyone you could. No one really knows what happened that night. It has been kept a secret."

I don't know if I should divulge the full truth to her about that night. So many deaths. So many lives ended all because of the bond Alex and I share.

"My mother told me that the UN council has been trying to get rid of your Uncle since that night. Something about a massive mistake that happened that almost cost him his life. But he wouldn't step down until he named a successor and he would only choose Logan since he is blood. That's why Logan asked me to watch Annerly. So that James could show him the ropes for a few days."

Sage's face is full of naivety as she speaks of matters she doesn't understand. I could explain things to her until the sun comes up but would still not have enough time.

"Sage, you deserve to know some of the truth. James was blackmailing Logan to become his successor. He never wanted to. He was keeping him away from Annerly on purpose. Alex and I came to free them both but Logan died during the escape. He told me you were taking care of her."

Sage looks shocked. Eyes full of disbelief and uncertainty.

"No. That's not right. I will call Dimitri and we will get all of this sorted out. He is working tonight. He will speak to James."

"Its no use. James is dead. Logan killed him." I say without any emotion to tinge my voice.

Sage tries to comprehend my words as I share a look with Alex. I'm not sure what sage will do next. Will she let me take Annerly now she knows some of the truth or will she put up a fight?

"My mother did say that James managed to climb the ladder to success rather quickly for someone with his nature. You don't think he killed people on his way just to get to the top?" Sage ponders.

I nod my reply.

Sage gasps and holds Vitaly closer. She finally understands a snippet of the truth.

Sage decides to leave the room at that moment and takes Vitaly with her. Alex and I share a glance but neither of us moves. Sage won't do anything stupid. At least I hope not.

After a few minutes of silence as I bask in Annerly, Sage appears once more without Vitaly. In his place is a small backpack.

She hands it to Alex with a small smile.

"That is everything that Logan gave to me for her. Plus a few extra bits and pieces I made her."

She then makes her way to Annerly and I and places a soft kiss on Annerlys head.

"Be good precious girl. Your aunty will take good care of, I'm sure of it."

She then throws her arms around me and hugs me as tight as she can without squashing Annerly.

"Take care of her. And of yourself. Don't let anything happen to her."

I nod at her words and turn to face Annerly just as she faces me.

"We will take care of each other."

A/N - A nice little chapter to offset the last few sad ones. 😄

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