11. Pierce

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I wonder if she had noticed me staring. I didn't want to seem off-putting. But she was captivating.

And she was dancing with that damn rich boy again.

I can't help wonder if that was what she wanted. Someone to buy her more beautiful dresses like the one she was wearing tonight. Someone to save her from all the work she has had to do her whole life.

The idea washed over me as I was trying my best to see past the nasally giggles of the young lady next to me and converse politely. Why was she giggling so much? I wasn't hardly saying anything funny.

I really should have been paying more attention to the conversation, but instead I was thinking about opportunities to get more work and make a little more money. That might help.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder. I heard an exaggerated sigh from Ingrid's direction as I turned away from her to see who it was.

"Gonna head home, mate," Harry said to me before he gave Ingrid a half a nod of acknowledgement. That had annoyed her.

"Didn't you just get here?" I asked.

"I suppose," he shrugged, "but it's rather dull. And there's more people willing to buy a crippled Brit a drink down at Martin's than there are here."

I thought for a moment before replying, "I'll join you."

Anything to get away from Miss Beecham in an at least somewhat delicate manner.

Harry just chuckled and shook his head as if he knew some joke I didn't.

"Not tonight, Pierce," he said with a friendly hand on my shoulder, "it's a nice brisk walk to the docks and you know I like my walks alone."

"Nah," I shook my head desperately, "Romance is in the air and I couldn't possibly let you walk alone on Valentine's Day."

He chuckled and sighed in defeat, "Alright."

He led the way to the door before adding over his shoulder, "But I doubt old Martin looks as pretty as some people here."

I rolled my eyes and followed him out.


The night was better now. I wasn't drunk. At least not yet. But the raucous chorus of grizzly dock workers and old men falling in time with the beer sloshing in their stomachs was making me feel at ease.

"There's this girl, you see," I continued to explain to an old man who might have only had one ear. His yellowish white hair was grown over it though so I couldn't be certain, "And she's just to lovely to be on this earth. She's got this laugh that sounds like a bird, but with a little snort at the end. It makes me want to laugh because it's just so lovely. And every time she does the little snort she turns this bright color because I reckon she's embarrassed, but she doesn't have anything to be embarrassed about it because... because I think I might be falling in love with that snort."

I stopped taken aback by my own statement. Luckily Harry appeared before I could think too much about it.

"Looks like someone's chatty tonight," he laughed to the old man as he clapped me on the back, "Pierce here always knew how to run his mouth when a bottle of Irish whiskey is involved. Made many a dark night cheery."

I was surprised by the way he casually mentioned those nights, but like I said, I was on my way to drunk.

"Anyways, I think she wants someone with money. Not a poor old fucker from no good middle of nowhere and a no good family like me," I muttered suddenly reminded of my despair, "I lived on the streets for gods sake. Why else would I have gone to the trenches willingly?"

Harry sighed and I realized that maybe I was a little more drunk than I had expected.

"Pierce, mate, maybe we oughtta head toward home. The air might do good for our thoughts," he suggested.

Bracing myself on the rough wood table I stood to join him and followed him out the door. The cool, salty air did good for my head and the state of my sobriety.

"You talked about home," Harry said quietly after a few moments.

"You talked about the war," I answered.

"You said something about being in love with the way Adelaide snorts."

"I guess we both might be a little off our rockers tonight," I laughed and tried to think of a way to change the subject.

Harry didn't seem like he had anything else to say though as he lead the way back through town. Until suddenly he stopped in front of two familiar doors.

"I think I better take that walk on my own now," he giving me that Harry look said leaving me at the doorstep. I knew it from when he used to tell me what we were going to have to do. It was the look he gave right before we went over the top every time. It was Harry's version of sympathy.

I sat down on the step for a moment contemplating my options even though I knew I only had one.

I let a heavy breath out and pushed back my hair as I stood.

"Damn you, Harry."

The buzz around me was now more like a four piece band and the air was thick but I soon found what I was looking for in the midst of it. For a second I nearly turned back.

But she was there and I wanted her.

So I tapped rich boy's shoulder and asked.

"Would it be alright for me to cut in and have a dance with you, Adelaide?"
I did post this last night but it didn't work so here it is again.

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