18. Pierce

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I tapped my foot impatiently. It was nearly dark and I was anxious to be home, but Harry hadn't yet come down from his small cupboard they call an office at the hotel. I contemplated leaving him behind. I needed to get home.


Something I had never really known and yet the idea had crawled it's way into my heart unnoticed. Disguised by yellow dresses and the sound of the piano playing in the morning.

And there, waiting for me at home was a girl who hadn't quite forgiven me. Who I had been following around like a sad little dog just to gain her favor back for the past few weeks. And every time I left her I felt this pull in my bones that I needed to get back to her and continue to win her back. To ask her to forgive me for the unforgivable.

I have been doing everything. But you can't give back someone's chance to say goodbye. Harry would understand if I left. I've seen him. He's taken on more at the house even though Kitty hasn't realized. Not that he would admit that he was doing anything so she didn't have to. He wasn't like that.

I turned toward home and pulled my cap down farther to keep the incessant spring rain from my eyes. Walking lost in thought until I rounded the corner on North Road and fought the urge to run.

But seeing Marjorie and her children in the garden I veered their direction knowing their own struggles were being lost in a house full of struggling people.

Roy ran through the garden kicking up mud and smashing plants in his wake before flinging himself at me.

"And how are you today mister?" I asked laughing.

He held up a spindly carrot, if it even could be called one, in his grimy fist.

"Cawwot!" he exclaimed with so much pride I couldn't help feel it too.

"Well look at that! It's the nicest looking carrot I've ever seen."

He grinned at me, his plump cheeks streaked with mud and satisfaction.

"Let's go talk to your mother. Shall we?" I asked before turning to the woman. A rush of guilt and concern washed over me. I had been so stuck in the grief of another that I had forgotten one of my best mates had people who were important to him that were struggling and I had neglected them. She looked more tired than I had ever seen her and her undeniable beauty that Art had always boasted of was drawn and threadbare.

"How have you been, Marj?" I asked.

"Alright," she smiled at me patiently as if I hadn't asked the most brainless question of all time.

"S'there anything I can do for you guys?" I asked pulling Roy up higher on my hip.

"Not unless you can bring Art home," she chuckled, but there wasn't any mirth behind it.

"I guess I could try," I joked not liking the sound of my own voice.

She just smiled sadly and shook her head before returning to her vegetables.

"How have you been?" she asked.

"I've been fine," I answered not knowing exactly what to say. That feeling of inadequacy was seeping into my bones again and finding a home.

She looked up and nodded at me in a way that made me feel like she understood.

And suddenly that need to be near my girl was overwhelming me and my inadequacy all over again. Making myself a quick promise to take more time for Art's family I said.

"Well I ought to head inside. You want me to take Roy and Hattie with me?"

"I come!" cheered Roy and Hattie looked up from the butterfly that I'm sure was dead but she was trying to nurse.

"That would be lovely," answered Marj.

"Alright then kids! Let get out of this rain!" I shouted and Roy cheered while I grabbed onto Hattie's hand that didn't have the butterfly.

Inside we shook and stomped the remnants of the rain and mud and Kitty acted dismayed but I knew she was hiding a smile as the children laughed.

"Laidy we're home!" I shouted.

"Waidy!" Roy joined in.

And I knew we were being overly loud and I knew Kitty was trying to tell us to quiet down. But I needed Adelaide next to me. I needed her to know I was here. I needed her to know I was home.
Fun fact. This story originally started as a prequel to a massive ensemble WW2 piece a friend I were writing. The house is a real place and both of the stories are set around it. But our lovely cast find themselves as parents to many of the characters in the second part as they fall in love and go fight their own war (i.e.- Roy, Hattie, and the twins). It doesn't really matter to you guys I know but I love the connections.
Anyways... as you were.
Also, idk if you can see it but read the chapter before this first. It's a Kitty chapter. ❤️

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