24. Adelaide

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A decade ago someone thought the most important thing this city needed was a sports stadium dug into the side of a hill overlooking the Puget Sound. Someone important agreed and thousands of pounds of dirt and rock were moved to build Tacoma's pride and joy in the shadow of the failed hotel.

So today, in honor of recent local tradition, was Stadium Day and there was nothing like it. The summer afternoon was abuzz with women in white muslin being chased by men laden with bunches of flowers to gift them. There were boxing matches on the grand floor of the Masonic Hall, white tents were filled with fresh baked pies awaiting judging by the mayor and his delegates, and the field was occupied by footraces and other contests leading up to the crowning event of the day- the big football game and dance to follow.

I stood at the top of the bowl waiting for Kitty and the children to return when Ingrid and her posse passed me by.

"I've received seventeen offers so far today and," she stopped to survey her followers- to add effect to whatever stupid thing she planned on saying next, "I've turned them all down."

I rolled my eyes and I watched as she adjust her large hat that covered a mop of red hair that shone bright in the late July sun while her friends praised her unfailing stupidity.

"I've only had an offer of a bunch of daisies so far and I said yes," said one of her friends in awe.

"Oh, darling don't tell me you gave him something nice in return," sighed Ingrid, exasperated.

"Of course I did. He was sweet," answered the other girl, "It was Noble Turner who was a class ahead of us in school."

"But Noble is a window washer," said Ingrid and the disgust in her voice was evident.

"Which makes him strong and well-built and an excellent choice to give your colors for the game," I interrupted with out thinking. My sentiments were accepted with a glare from Ingrid that was nearly as fiery as her hair. I was unsure if the glint in the other girl's eye was from gratitude or fear.

"Of course you'd say something like that," sighed Ingrid cooly turning on her heel, "You've never been one to have much taste."

Now Ingrid Beecham was a pretty girl. Pretty enough to receive the offer of flowers from seventeen men- at least she claimed. But at that moment I wasn't sure how long her pretty face was going to last-

"What's going on here ladies?"

Damn him. Damn him and his beautiful face for getting in the way of ruining someone else's beautiful face.

I suppose that's why I loved him.

Taking a deep breath I turned from Ingrid to face him and he was glowing. But that was Pierce- my lovely Pierce- and it was Stadium Day. A bundle of bright yellow roses hung in the crook of his elbow as he extended the other to me and I couldn't help sending a quick sneer in Ingrid's direction as he led me away.

"You looked about a second away from ripping her head off," he burst out laughing once we were out of earshot.

It was Stadium Day and he was glowing so I joined in his laughter, "That's because I was."

We continued walking arm in arm on looking for Kitty.

"Are those for someone?" I asked.

"Maybe," he smirked, "I'm surveying my options."

"Oh alright," I sighed, pulling a bright yellow handkerchief from my skirt pocket and waving it in his face, "Well I should get along. I'm looking for someone to wear my colors in the game and I'm running out of time before it starts."

Wiggling out of his grip I began to trot down the side walk knowing he was hot on my heals.

"Actually!" he called, "I've decided."

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him letting my body absorb his not-so-graceful stop as he recovered with his arms wrapped around me. This behavior in public was not appropriate, but it was Stadium Day and my love was glowing so I just looked into his laughing eyes and smiled.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yes, Miss Adelaide Winslow," he began, "I would ask you to make me the happiest man in the world and let me wear your colors in the game today in exchange for these flowers, but I'm not sure I can manage anymore happiness. Despite this unfortunate fact I'm hoping you'll still accept the offer though."

I laughed. Because Pierce made me laugh and it was Stadium Day and I could understand what he was saying because suddenly it seemed I couldn't be much happier either.

In the light of his boyish grin and a silly old tradition it all seemed to fade away. I'd take his roses, he'd wear my yellow hanky proudly during the game, and we'd dance the first dance together tonight. That was how the tradition worked. And today that made me happy. He made me happy.

Because today was Stadium Day and he was glowing. The rest could wait.
Some pictures of real life Stadium Days in the past. Home town pride, haha. People in Tacoma don't really celebrate as much anymore. But everyone goes there all the time to exercise and stuff (yuck).
Now most people just think of it as the 10 Things I Hate about you school.
*cue Heath Ledger singing in the bleachers (swoon).


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P.S.- I am dead.
Cause: the new Gucci pics.
You know what I'm saying.

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