28. Adelaide

551 30 12

I firmly believe I've never been happier. That it was not humanly possible for me to be happier.

In front of me was a man down on one knee- the father of my future children- with a simple gold band in between his fingers.

"Whaddya reckon Laidey? Say yes?" he asked and I laughed at the nerves in his voice and from the sheer joy I felt.

"I supposed," I teased, dropping to my knees to litter his face with kisses full of the happiness I was feeling. Of course I would marry him. It was not even a question- even if I had not shared our little secret with him a fortnight ago, it wouldn't be a question.

"Yes, my love," I added as tears that I wasn't aware had started married with the laughter.

I felt a protective hand on my abdomen as he promised me a home and a family and the look of unadulterated excitement I saw in his eyes made my heart soar.

I thanked God and all the powers above; for here was a man sent across oceans- familiar with the same quiet heartbreak as I and yet still so lovely, and so good. The sun often seemed dim in comparison to Pierce Schultz and when he smiled it was with a smile aged in comparison to his youth- chiseled by hardship and yet unbroken by the life he'd endured. I often felt small in his presence, but never diminished.

"Well shall we, my dear?" smiled Pierce as he helped me to my feet.

"I'd say a celebration was in order," I answered.

"And I would have to agree."

Pierce stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled shrilly, which signaled the faces that were not so subtly pressed against the kitchen windows to burst out the kitchen door and join us under our willow with libations in hand.

Kitty ran shrieking, a cake in one hand the other wrapping around my neck, giggling in a way I hadn't realized I'd missed hearing from her as she shouted, "About time you old lady!"

I laughed alongside her and felt tears from both of our eyes mix against our cheeks that pressed firmly together.

"I'm only seven minutes older than you," I answered pulling back, both hands still on her shoulders, to look at her.

She was sniffling but there was a smile on her face as she whispered, "Mum would have loved to be here."

I nodded my head so heavily loaded emotions to speak.

Kitty laughed again before adding, "She loved Pierce. Might have married him herself if you hadn't snatched him up."

"He has a tendency to steal hearts," I said through a sniffle.

"I'm happy for you," said Kitty, "Truly."

I wiped a hand across my nose and tried to control a sob before pulling her into my arms again.

"Love you, Kit," I whispered, "I know we've had a hard year and you don't hear it often, but I'm here today- happier than I think I ever thought possible. And that's partially thanks to you. You've kept us all afloat."

I felt the emotions shudder through our bodies as we shared this moment. Two sobbing girls in the midst of children shouting and cheering and men congratulating each other. I was tempted to blame the child growing in me- the hormones and whatnot making me feel emotional, but I know this was also what healing felt like and I needed to feel this. This was good.

Kitty pulled back and laughed again, "So when are you going to ask me to be your maid of honor?"

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