23. Kitty

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"Oh Pierce, darling, are you really going to compete in the game?" asked Adelaide.

"Well from what I've heard from all of you it seems the only decent thing to do," he smiled and shrugged.

"What about you, Harry?" Adelaide managed to ask at the same time as she fawned over Pierce.

Harry shrugged, "Might as well."

We were seated around the kitchen table where we found ourselves on many of these early summer evenings recently. I looked at each person and the strange shadows cast on their faces from the lantern. Shadows that spoke of sadness, and exhaustion, and simply trodding on- as we were learning to do- as the days and quiet evenings together around the table dragged on.

It was a small table we were gathered around but it spanned a vast distance. Distance full of unspoken sentiments and frustrations that had become so familiar. At nights we sat around and attempted to bridge that distance and said so much and so little at the same time.

"Oh, and Kitty's peach pie has won the pie competition three years running," announced Adelaide with a proud grin on her face.

"Well you don't say," Pierce grinned back at her though it was easy to see that the pride in his eyes had to do more with the girl tucked under his arm beaming up at him, "I'm more of a blackberry man myself."

"I love peach," said Harry and I don't know why it surprised me. I suppose I had grown to expect him to be contrary to everything.

"Me too," I smiled instead of dwelling on it, "Peach with raspberry."

"I've got to try that," he said and I was sure that I suddenly had the energy to make a hundred pies.

"Oh, and there's a dance at the end!" exclaimed Adelaide.

"Not another dance for me," laughed Harry, he actually laughed, "I've had enough of that. I'm happy to sit at home or maybe up at one of the dock pubs from now on."

"I think me too," said Pierce, but the look in his eye said he wasn't serious. He couldn't be.

"But Pierce?!" Laidey whined before catching the glint in his eye and laughing with him, "I was about ready to wring your neck," she sighed.

"I think I might go this year," I announced.

"By yourself?" ask Addie on impulse, but the look on her face said she already regretted it.

"Well," I sighed and frustratingly found myself fighting off stubborn emotions, "I suppose not."

"Well of course you can come!" Adelaide recovered, "You oughtta come with us."

The hand she had on Pierce's thigh must have tightened as he began to nod vigorously along side her.

"I had planned to go with Marj," I explained, "But there's no one to watch the kids."

The question upset me and I hated myself for the emotions I was letting take a hold of me. What happened to the Kitty who would go no matter what? Maybe she never existed. I was always so strong and but now I found myself having a looser and looser grip on what strong meant.

"I suppose I could watch them and let her go," I added.

"Aww, come on, Kit, you can come with us. It'll be fun," said Pierce but I knew the sideways glance he was giving my sister said otherwise.

"No," I forced a smile, "Me and the kids'll have a night of it after we eat ourselves under at the pie competition and cheer or lungs out at the game."

Adelaide offered me a reassuring smile, but I knew she was looking at me to see if I was sincere so I forced my smile a little wider.

"Dontcha ever do anything for yourself?" Interrupted Harry. His tone had changed and I was surprised by the underlying frustration I thought I heard.

"Excuse me?" I asked having heard him clearly. The camaraderie that had seeped into my bones along with the candlelight and lukewarm tea was gone now.

"Why don't-" said Harry before stopping, "You know what. Never mind. Just rot here. It's your choice."

I was shocked by his outburst as I watched him jump from his seat. I couldn't understand why he was suddenly so angry, but I felt a similar sensation bubbling in my stomach as well.

For a moment I was silent as he headed toward the staircase searching for something, anything, to call out after him to bring him back and prove him wrong.

But words never came and he never turned.
If you could share the love I'd love you forever. ❤️

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