♥♥♥ Steve Rogers X Diana Zandars: Return To The Battlefield ♥♥♥

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~*~*~ In the SHIELD HQ meeting room ~*~*~

Nick Fury is reading some documents about legendary heroes from World War II confusing everyone in the room till the page turns to a blue eyed blonde 18 year old girl who became a bulgarian national superhero along with her comrades

at that moment Steve and Bucky share a look as both their eyes widen.
Bruce: *notices it* somthing wrong Bucky, Steve?
Both males share a look before Bucky speaks up first.
Bucky: this may sound weird to you...
Steve: *nods* we know who the blue eyed, blond and 18 year old girl is.
all the avengers: Say What?!
Tony: your kidding right?!
Bruce: i doesn't look that way.


Director Fury: Come in?

That's when the same people on the video and document presentation come in and line up the room, leaded in by the same girl they spoke about till now

Her outfit & hair style:

That's when the same people on the video and document presentation come in and line up the room, leaded in by the same girl they spoke about till now Her outfit & hair style:

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the girl: Excuse us sir. We hope we pickeed the right time to join you. Sorry if we came earlier than expected

Director Fury: well id say you have a very good timing.
meanwhile everyone has there eyes wide open and their jaws dropped.
Clint: THEY are joining us?
Fury: somthing wrong with that agent Barton? *crosses his arms*
Clint: No sir.
Fury: good. as i was saying *turns to the girl and her team* we are glad to have you and your team join.

The girl smiles sweetly and bows before looking around the room and gasps as soon as her eyes fall on Steve as her eyes tear up

Steve smiles softly as he himself try's hard not to tears up as well and stands up walking over to the girl and wrapping his arms around her hugging her tightly
Bucky: *also stands up and walks over as well* long time no see Diana.
meanwhile the others watch with wide eyes and still dropped jaws.
Tony: you have got to be kidding.
Fury: *sends him a warning look before turning fully facing everyone* Avengers meet Diana and her team.

Diana has already burted into tears as she pulled Bucky in a hug as well as one of the boys from her team steped forward towards them as well

Diana has already burted into tears as she pulled Bucky in a hug as well as one of the boys  from her team steped forward towards them as well

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