♥♥♥ Steve x Diana Rogers (father-daughter) (3) ♥♥♥

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Ever since Diana's mother died Diana knew her father wasn't doing well in accepting it, so in hopes of helping somehow she desides to give him the personal space he needs and vows to never talk about her mother again, wanting to never cause him pain again.
After a few months Steve slowly starts to overcome it and seeing how close he's getting with Sharon, Diana decides to give him another chance of starting over and creating a family to the point of which she decides to walk silently out of his life, thinking Steve won't even notice it.
As soon as the final training session for the week ends Diana goes to her room and pulls out a suitcase in which she slowly starts to gather her things, one by one

Normally Steve wouldn't mind her doing this but right now he found it strange so he decided to go and talk to her.
But before he does that he decides to fresh up and take a quick shower, after doing that he walks to Diana's room and knocks on the door.

But Diana doesn't hear it and conttinues to gather her still while checking twice in case she forgets something

Steve: *knocks again but much louder this time* Diana?

Diana suddenly stops but not because she heared her father but because she found something in the back of the closet which she never believed she would ever find in a million years

Steve: *is confused that she isn't answering him so he opens the door himself and walks inside* Diana? *says her name louder making sure that this time she heard him*

Meanwhile in the back of the closet a silent tearslips down Diana's cheeks as she stairs at her mother's most treasured gift shehad ever trusted her with when she was 10 years old

Meanwhile in the back of the closet a silent tearslips down Diana's cheeks as she stairs at her mother's most treasured gift shehad ever trusted her with when she was 10 years old

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Diana: I guess it won't just to give it one last go before I leave *says as she sits down and tests out the keys before thinking of a special song*

Steve:*gets a little annoyed but keeps calm and walks over closer to Diana and thinks* Leave? where is she going? without telling me no less. *stops right behind her and has the urge to lay his hands on his daughter shoulders but for now he resists it*

Diana takes a deep breath before she starts playing one of the songs that best shows how she feels at the moment

Diana: *starts singing as she plays* I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

Steve stays quit as he listens and watches from behind her.

Diana: *closes her eyes as teams run down her rosy cheeks* These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

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