♥♥♥ Steve X Diana Rogers (father-daughter): The Unloved Angel ♥♥♥

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Fury had everyone in all the Avengers gathered for a brief about another mission during which a young female with blonde hair and blue eyes stood behind him with a sad look on her face while her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked away from everyone

The avengers have confused looks on their face's, they don't recognize the female behind Director Fury

Director Fury: Any how as for the female behind me, she was one of HYDRA's secret weapons at another one of their attemp to clone one of you and since she doesn't have a single bad flaw I made her an agent in training and one of you are going to be her mentor

The avengers eyes widen at first before they share looks wondering who it will be

Meanwhile the said female looks around and tears finally appear in her eyes when she understands what she was going to be once again and looks down in sadness trying not to let them see her in her weak point

A certain soldier sees this and frowns having his eyes on the female.
Steve: with all due respect sir... is this really the best and only option for her? *asks confused*

Director Fury: What do you have in mind by that Captain?

Steve: i'm just thinking of asking what she wants and letting her diced for once.
The other avengers gasp at that and wait at the tip of their seat for how Fury will react.

Director Fury: And do you realize what would happen to her if the goverment realizes who she is and where she came from? *states as he hits about what happened to Bucky before the Civil War*

Steve looks down not saying another word knowing all to well he's right.

Director Fury: I did however offered her to choose a mentor for herself but she said she didn't want to get attached

Steve's eyes widen a little and his snaps back up.
Tony: why Not?
Steve: *sends Stark a glare* everyone has things they rachter NOT talk about.

Diana: Because I'm here for work .... and I was never created to have a personal life in the first place

The avengers share looks once she said that.
Tony: O.K.A.Y.
Clint: so sir, who's going to be her mentor? *asks just as curious as everyone ells*

Director Fury: Well at first I was thinking of Stark and Barton but I figured she would be more comfortable with Ramonaff but she cut me out of the idea

Clint and Tony: hey!
Natasha: why thou? were both females?

Director Fury thats when Bucky and Sam walk in the room late since they just got back from a mission

Sam and Bucky: Sorry were late, oh and were back.
Steve: *turns to both males* Welcome back Sam, Buck.
Sam and Bucky: Thanks. good to be back.
after that Bucky's eyes widen upon seeing the familiar female behind Fury and walks up to her.
Bucky: Diana? *his eyes are wide with shock and surprise* is that really you?

Diana looks up an her eyes widen from the shock of seeing him and wraps her arms around herself, hugging herself as a rightened and sad expression appears on her face and in her eyes

Bucky frowns knowing what she's thinking, he understands her better then anyone ells in the room.
The avengers watch in absolute silence no one knowing what to say right now

Diana: Никога не трябваше да идвам тук (I should have never came here) *says in bulgaria knowing Bucky was the only one who could understand what she was as tears started to steam down her cheeks*

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