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"Are you ready?" asked Francesca from the front door.

"Not yet! Give me some time." I responded from my room.

As I was searching for the wig to complete my disguise of a boy. I heard the doorbell ringing.

"Hurry! They are already here!"

"Too bad, they have to wait for me."

"Hurry the fuck up!" she yelled, probably scaring the boys and our neighbours.

"Don't yell at me! And watch the language!" I retorted right back.

After we were done screaming at each other, I found the wig under the bed and tried to put it on.

"Done." I said with a last look in the mirror and walked out of my room.

"Good. Now say farewell to the cat and let's go."

The said cat walked closer and snuggled on my leg. I took him in my arms and started patting him.

"What are you talking about? He's coming with us."

"You think this is a good idea? I thought you will leave him in that lady's care."

"I don't want to. I promise he won't bother anyone, they won't even know about his existence." I said with puppy eyes.

She sighed irritated and gave me a little bag.

"Ok... I hope you will keep your word."

I thanked her and settled the cat inside. He hissed a bit but soon got comfortable in there.

"If we are ready, let's get going."

We took our luggage and left the house. In front of it three of the members were waiting for us.

"Hi guys!" they greeted us the moment they noticed our presence.

"Hi! Sorry for making you wait."

They didn't seem to mind it and started to walk towards the car.

"Let me help you with that." said Jimin, smiling and moved to take my luggage.

For a split of second our hands touched. That little touch made my face erupt in fire.

"O-Oh, sure..." I looked away, trying to hide my blush.

He giggled at my reaction and with Francesca's help, he put the luggages in the trunk and all of us got inside the car. There were the rest of BTS.

After a while of driving to the dorm and greeting the other members, Taehyung made a statement which brought a good laugh inside the vehicle.

"By the way, if I didn't know you two are boys, I would have thought there were some chicks yelling inside the house. I think it would be worse if you actually are girls!"

"Ya think?"


After this little trip we finally arrived. Namjoon and Jimin took the luggages to bring them inside of our new house.

"Follow me." informed Jin, making us go after him.

We followed him further into the dorm until he stopped in front of a door.

"This will be your room."

"We have to stay in the same room?"

"Yeah. Is there a problem with that?"

"I can't sleep with him in the same room. He snores and is very messy with his stuff."

"Hey!" I elbowed Fran softly.

"Namjoon snores too and I never heard Taehyung complaining about it."

"I'm not Taehyung."

"Well then, I have an idea. How about if one of you will stay with Kookie in his room?" Jin said, clapping his hands as if he's a genius for coming up with something so intelligent.

Right in that moment Jungkook peaked his head from the kitchen and looked at us with shooked eyes.

"So, what do you say Kookie?" Jin asked the maknae who looked like he had an intern battle in his head.

After a few seconds of silence, the poor boy come out of the kitchen and like an wild and scared animal, he ran past us into his bedroom, slamming the door.

"Never!" he yelled, making the elder sigh.

"I guess you have no other choice but to stay together in this room."

Jin handled me the room's keys and turned around to leave, but tripped over the bag where was the cat. The poor animal let out a strangled cry.

"What was that noise?"

"Umm... Francesco sometimes likes to make like a cat!"

"Y-Yes! I mean... Meow?" she pretended to act like a cat.

"That's just weird... But anyway, if you have a problem with something, ask me."

With a last look at us, he disappeared in another room.


"I told you to keep him quiet!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go inside."

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