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*Francesca's pov*

Opening my eyes a bit, I quickly rose from the bed and sat at the edge of it. Some strange noises could be heard on the other side of the room. Looking there, I found they were coming from Maria's bed. She was mumbling some incoherent words and then started laughing.

"Yep, you've lost it." shaking my head at her sleepy form, I took my phone from the nightstand.

Sighting at the time shown, which was five minutes after 6 o'clock, I got up from my bed and looked at Maria.

"And thanks to your craziness, my sleep is long gone."

I dragged my feet to the door and opened it. At the same time a sleepy Namjoon decided to come out from his shared room with Taehyung. Apparently we had our rooms facing each other so when he saw me he wanted to greet me.

"Oh! Hey Fra-"

Realizing that I wasn't wearing my disguise, I quickly entered back and shut the door.

"Shit! I hope he didn't notice anything."

After the incident I got back to sleep. What to do anyway? It was to early to early to take a shower or go around the house.

But of course my slumber was cut short by Maria. Again.

"Urgh... what are you doing this time?..." I asked, looking at how she was laying facedown on the floor. Searching for something maybe?

"Nothing. Just hugging the floor, it looks like it needed some love." she responded sarcastically and took a spray bottle from under her bed. "Also, I'm done with the bathroom so you can use it."

"Whatever you say."

I took some clothes to change and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. And maybe after go and eat something.


With the shower done, my second task was to eat. Luckily on the kitchen table was a plate with sandwiches, probably made by Jin. As I took one and started eating, I saw my friend entering in the kitchen and taking a ladle from the shelf.

"Wha- Why?" before I had time to ask I was already alone. "I swear she gets weirder and weirder by minute."

With a last bite from the sandwich, I left the kitchen and followed her in the living room. There I saw the boys aligned in the center, wearing army uniforms, and Maria in front of them, dressed like a commander.

"What are you guys doing? A photoshoot?" moving to stand next to her, I asked confused.

"An ARMY training. Got it?" Jin, along with Jimin, started laughing at his own joke.

Maria moved to stand in front of him and splashed his face with water, making him flinch.

"Did I gave you permission to talk?"

"No, sir..."

"And you!" she pointed the bottle at Jimin and splashing him. "Why are you laughing at his jokes? They are not even that funny."

"Finally! Someone said it!" Yoongi remarked. "I'm proud of you, Mario."

"Do you want to get punishment too?" turning towards him, she raised the bottle.

"You wouldn't dare..."

Pssst! "Too bad, I dared."

"I'm no longer proud of you." making a disappointed face, Yoongi shook his head.

All this time I stood there and watched them. Is anyone going to explain me what's happening?

Namjoon, seeing my confused expressed, decided to inform me.

"As you can see, Mario said that he's going to tell us some rules."

"Yes. Thank you for explaining a bit." she nodded at the leader and continued. "I gathered all of you here to explain the rules that come along with us. If we live here, those rules must be followed!"

"Ah, those rules.. Can I be the one who will tell them?" I asked her and got an affirmative answer, so I started.

The rules were simple and easy to follow:
- Not to enter in our room or bathroom without permission
- Not to touch or take our belongings
- Not to be perverts

"Any questions or complains?"

"Yes! Don't ever take the ladle or anything from MY kitchen! Understood?!" yelled Jin at us, his face getting red. Maybe from blood pressure.

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