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I woke up with a terrible pain in my belly.

"Ow, why does it hurt so much?" I placed my hand there, trying to supress the pain.

I got up and started to get ready for the day and then quickly went to the bathroom.

"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is. It's too early for it." I mumbled, arms still tightly wrapped around my stomach, and locked myself inside.

And what I discovered? That my friend came to visit.

"Mario! MARIO! Where the fuck is that idiot?.. "

I kept calling her, but without any answers. Until a voice from the other side of the door responded.

"Mario is in the living room so I guess he can't hear you. Tell me what's the problem." that voice belonged to Namjoon.

'Sure, like it's so normal to hear from a boy that he got a period and he needs pads.' I thought, facepalming.

"Just- Uh... Go and tell Mario is a code red without white."

"Code red? What does it means?" Namjoon sounded worried and tried to open the door. "You okay in there, Fran?"

"Doesn't matter, just tell Mario to come."

*at the same time, Mario's pov*

"You expect to be allowed in my studio after what you did with that spray bottle?" Yoongi stared at me from the doorway.

"Yeah, of course." I said in a matter of fact tone crossing my arms.

"Think again." he went inside and closed the door in my face.

All I could do in that moment was to stare at his door and slowly process what just happened. The wheels in my head started to work and the imaginary bulb above my head lighted up.

If he's going to act like that very well then. Let's see if he likes when his doormat will magically dissappear.

I looked around if there was someone else in the hallway, I bend down to take the 'go-away-cat' mat and quickly went to the living room to slip it behind the couch. After I was done I took a few steps back to admire my hard work.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and a smiling Namjoon entered on my line of vision, this action scaring me to death.

"Hey, sir! I'm here to deliver a message from Francesco. He said it's a code red without white and you should hurry."

"And how am I supposed to buy that when I don't know the area."

"Buy? Jin hyung said something about buying some stuff so maybe he could drive you there."

Then he stood up and walked to the door but not without adding. "By the way, it will be better to search the supermarket rather than going with Jin."

At the same time our worldwide handsome peeked his head in living room.

"You want to come with me? Why didn't you say so? Come on, don't be so slow! Time is money!" he said quickly, already unlocking the front door.

"W-Wait for meeeh!"

I ran after him and jumped in the front seat. He just sighed and started driving.

"AH!" Jin suddenly exclamed and startled me. "I forgot to ask for your number!"

"Why? Are you hitting on me? Dude, I'm too young for you."

"No! I have to add you and Francesco in the group chat."

"Sure.. Gimme the phone, mister pedophile." I took his iphone and added my number in the contact list.

"Don't treat your elders with such disrespect!"

"So you admit you're a pedophile."

"You know what? I give up. Even a kid is more reasonable than you." He shook his head and let out a long sigh of exasperation.

After a few minutes of driving and some small bickering we arrived at the destination.

"First of all we need to get some meat and vegetables to cook and then drinks. You're coming with me or do you need to buy too?" he took a cart and turned around to face me.

"Actually I need to buy something for Francesco so... See you later!" I took another cart and went ahead.

"In 30 minutes you have to be outside or else I leave without you!"


It's been 20 minutes and I passed by Jin five times already but still couldn't find the section for pads.

"This store doesn't have any pieces of cotton for that cursed monthly blood?!" I yelled frustrated, stomping my feet.

"Young man, if you are looking for the pads, they are on your right." an employee said, she and some other girls looking at me weirdly.

"I'm j-just buying them for- Um... My sister? Haha.. ha."

The girls continued to look at me and then started giggling, blushing a little.

"Aw~ Such a caring and cute brother. I wish I had a brother like that too!"

'Weird girls...' I quickly took what I needed and went to the cash register to pay. It was a guy... and he was staring at me then at pads and back at me. I better hurry up and escape this embarrassing situation and also go back to Jin.

When everything was over I took a deep breath and exhaled it with a groan. 'This was by far my worst experience.'

"Why are you so exhausted? From what I can see you're not the one carrying two full bags of groceries." he shook his head at me. "Tsk tsk, kids these days are tired before being born."

"You're offending me with so much truth."

After another few minutes of driving we were back. We got out of the car and I helped Jin with the groceries to take them inside.

Yoongi, with arms crossed over his chest and a poker face, was waiting for us.

"Mario, didn't you see my doormat? Or more like where did you hide it?"

"I don't know what are you talking about."

"Oh yeah? For sure I believe you..." he said full of sarcasm, stepping closer "Let's see if you remember after I take this from you."

In a fraction of second his hands were on the bag with pads and in panic, I pulled it with force back then hit him in the head with the bag. Luckily the insides didn't fall.


"Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Jin yelled at him, with a slipper I don't know from where in his hand.

I didn't have time to see the rest because I already ran away from there and locked myself in my room, but not before throwing Fran what she needed.

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