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"Finally!" I cried out, entering the dorm.

"Yeah, finally." Maria entered after me and slammed the door behind her.

"I never want to do that ever again."

"You deserve every bit of it. I just hate that I have to endure it too."

We continued bickering as we were taking off our shoes and went where the boys mostly gather,the living room. There, Hoseok was sitting on the couch and waved at us when he saw us.

"They have arrived!" we hear Jimin as he entered too and approached us, smiling.

"As expected. Who else could slam the door if not Mario?" said Yoongi as he stood in front of us as well.

"My threat is still on, so move." Maria pushed Yoongi out of her way. "Where's my cat?"

"Piti is fine, don't worry. He's sleeping in your room." Jimin assured her.

She moved past them with the intention to exit the room and go where Piti was, but Jimin was quicker as he grabbed her and plopped themselves on the couch. Yoongi just sighed and sat on one of the armchairs surrounding the couch, next to Hoseok.

As I was watching and trying not to laugh at an red faced Maria trying to free herself from Jimin's hold and failing miserably, I felt an arm around my shoulders and saw a pair of dimples in front of my face.

"Your hair smells nice." Namjoon commented.

'Only if you knew...' I thought, smiling awkwardly at him. 'I want to ask if he wants me to give him the wig to smell it better.'

He laughed clueless at me and went to the couch too, making a spot for himself on the couch between Jimin and Hoseok.

"So how was your day, guys?" Namjoon asked, motioning for me to sit down on the unoccupied armchair. Then he took his phone and send a message.  "Wait, before that let's wait for the rest to come here too and listen."

In a few minutes Seokjin, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the living room too. Everybody, more or less interested, was sitting where they could and waiting to hear about our day.

"Oh right! The acting teacher is a bomb, huh?" Jimin suddenly said when I got to the acting part of our schedule.

The boys, who were sharing their experience with some of the teachers that we also have, went silent and turned towards him.

Me and Maria looked at him then at each other and raised our eyebrows at the same time before bursting out laughing.

"How Francesco said and I quote 'the man of our dreams'. Directly in his face."

"Damn, even I wasn't so straightforward." Jimin commented, amazed.

"We would've killed him if that happened." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, it's not good to flirt with your teacher." Hoseok shook his head.

"But the teacher can flirt with you?" I asked.

"Like our korean one did..." Maria groaned, leaning into Jimin.

"Maybe it wasn't like that." Taehyung said. "Maybe she was just friendly."

"Yeah, a bit too friendly." I remarked.

"It can happen. Now continue your story so I can leave after." Yoongi muttered, almost falling asleep.

"You could've said it nicer, hyung." Namjoon whispered to Yoongi then turned to me with a smile. "Just continue."

So, like that, I continued talking about the rest of the schedule and happily received some advice for the dance, rap and vocal classes.


After we finished telling about our day to the boys I went back to our room, saying that I was tired. Maria said she was too lazy to move from the couch so she remained there.

I went to my bed and laid there, appreciating the silence. A sigh left my lips and I closed my eyes, sleep overtaking me.

When I woke up, I looked around the room seeing Maria staying on the floor and looking at something on her phone, surrounded by pillows.

"At this point I'm not even surprised."
I gestured at her.

"Good for you." she said dryly.

Silence casted over us and I turned on my back, thinking about a thought that crossed my mind.

"Hey..." I nudged Maria with my foot.

"Urgh, disgusting. Don't touch me." she rolled out of the way and smacked my foot with a pillow.

"Shut up and listen to me." I took the pillow and threw it on her bed. "I just had a crazy thought."

My friend hummed in acknowledgement but not exactly paying attention.

"What if Hitman Bang and the boys already knew we were girls from the first day?"

"No-" Maria put her phone down and stared at me. "-just no."

"You never know." I shrugged my shoulders.

Just when Maria was about to take another pillow and throw it at me, a weird sound was heard at our door.

We looked at each other for a split of second before I motioned at her to investigate the source of the sound.

She quietly stood up and approached the door, me following behind her. Slowly cracking it open, we looked down the hall and saw surprised Taehyung with arms full of snacks and a chocolate bar in his mouth looking back at us.

"Pss! Pss! If you didn't heard anything then we didn't saw anything." I spoke in a hushed tone. "Deal?"

He nodded his head at us and we did the same, him going his way and us going back in our room like nothing happened.

The next morning we heard Jin yelling something about all the sweets being gone.

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