Ch 1- The Borderline of Broken Dreams

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Everyone believes that Heaven is above us and is a vast wonderland of any paradise your heart could imagine, while Hell is below and is filled with every pain or torture you could imagine. It is true that one is a paradise and the other is literally hell, but neither is above or below.

Heaven and Hell are right beside each other, their borders touching but neither overpowering the other. 

Katerina knew she should not have been anywhere near that awful place, but she wanted to prove herself, and her determination made her unstoppable.

The border between Heaven and Hell was a place someone like her, an Arc Angel, should not have been.

Katerina was a tall but slender girl, about six foot five in height. Her hair was long, coming down to her waist when in her usual braided ponytail, even further when not, and naturally colored platinum blonde. Her skin was only slightly pale, with more color to it than not. Her eyes were an amethyst shade that only appeared in the Aurora Borealis. She typically wore: a white warriors dress that hugged her curves and sectioned at the skirt like many leaves at her hips, brown tights that showed off the curve of her legs, a brown belt that held her weapons (which included her holy water sword with two blades coming out of the hilt that intertwined around each other and were encrusted with special gems that emitted holy light when she used her sword), white lace up boots that came up to her knees, and white gloves. She wore more appropriate things during important events, but outside of that, her kind was allowed to wear what they pleased as long it was not too revealing.

Her wings, however, were considered her best quality to almost everyone. They were a light golden color, like the first rays of the morning sun, a rare color even among angels. 

Being an Arc Angel meant she would one day serve his holy-ness himself, God. Of course, all angels served Him, but her species received their orders directly from Him, an honor so few angels got.

She was not vein about her status, of course, but it was not something to ignore. 

Neither was the rule about going anywhere near the border, but she did not want to be seen as a coward. 

"Come on, Katerina! If you are not scared, than do it. Cross the border and bring a black oak tree branch," her friend, Anubis, called out from down bellow the Cursed Willow.

Anubis was, like his name, Egyptian looking with short dark brown hair that was slightly wavy and curled at the end, his eyes matching his hair color. He was a level one angel, the lowest rank there was, but his spitfire attitude made him fun to be around.

Standing by him was: Carlotta with her bright orange hair and matching eyes who was a Masonry Angel, and Ash with his white hair and purple eyes who was a Define Punisher. 

The Cursed Willow sat at the very edge of the border and was the only way across. It was called the Cursed Willow because it was once a beautiful weeping willow that sat right near Hell, but after Adam and Eve betrayed Heaven, the willow wilted to the side and turned black as it crossed into the darker territory. It still grew on the lighter side and blossomed, but did the same on in the dark. It came to be seen as the fight in humans between the good and evil in the world, but not the reason for its name. 

Some time after the tree crossed into Hell and Lucifer was cast there along with his followers for his crime, a Demon crossed into Heaven, much to everyone's shock. They got rid of it, of course, but not before taking a few Angels down. So, the tree came to be known as the Cursed Willow and was off limits to all, including Demons.

"Are you all sure about this? What if something happens over there?" Carlotta asked, worry all over her face.

"Carlotta is right, Katerina," Ash called up to her, his purple eyes showing just a touch of worry as she looked down at them. "You do not have to prove anything to us."

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