Ch -3- Scream and Cry... Till You Die

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Katerina did not want to wake from her deep slumber, but sleep eventually evaded her. She tried to sit up, but her entire body protested and she fell back into the giant pillow.

Every muscle ached, cuts and bruises were all over her skin, and her broken limbs made her want to rip them off to end the pain.

After many failed attempts, she somehow managed to get herself into a sitting position. This once simple movement left her nearly drained and dizzy. She sat still for the longest time, trying to catch her breath.

After that physical chore was done, she slowly looked around the cave, just now realizing that Sebastian was nowhere in sight. A part of her saw it as a chance to escape, but the other quickly informed the first that was impossible in her current state. Starlight Hill was fill with razor sharp edges and steep inclines, and even if she could make it past all of that, another demon would probably find and make an easy meal of her.

That brought up other questions for her. What was the Demon King going to do with her? Was he going to eat her? Torture her until he became bored and kill her then? Use her as a sexual release?

Did her family know she was gone? Where she was? Did her friends think she was dead? What about her boyfriend? Was he worried about her?

There were too many questions she did not have the answers to and maybe did not even want.

She gasped as she heard footsteps coming toward the curtain near the mouth of the cave. She considered faking sleep, but it may take too much time, plus whoever it was had probably heard her gasp.

She waited a few agonizing seconds before the curtain was pushed aside and revealed none other than Sebastian himself. She suddenly felt very foolish of herself. Who else would it have been.

"You are awake, I see," Sebastian commented as he stared at her, still standing at the curtain with his hand keeping it out of the way. She nodded in reply, not trusting her voice at the moment. He walked further in, letting the curtain fall back into place, toward one of the tables and set down a messenger bag full of items she could not see at the moment. He pulled out a drinking gourd and uncapped the top before taking a drink, making her realize how thirsty she was. He caught her staring as he swallowed. "Are you thirsty?" She nodded again. He looked deep in thought before walking over to her and holding out the gourd. "Here." He suppressed a laugh as she looked at it in question. "I promise you, it is not poisoned. It is peach tea."

She decided to trust him as she reached shaking hands up and took the gourd. She tasted a sip and nearly moaned in pleasure as the sweet liquid ran down her throat. She started taking bigger drinks, her body craving more and more of it.

Sebastian chuckled lightly as he watched her. Katerina was becoming increasingly interesting as time past, and she had not even been there for a day.

He noticed the shaking of her limbs as she tried to hold up the weight of the gourd and the speed at which she was drinking.

"Careful," he instructed as he grabbed the end just it was about to slip from her fingers. He held the end back up to her lips at an easier angle for her. "You will choke if you drink too fast." He pulled the gourd away as she finished and recapped it. "What is your name?"

"Katerina," she replied softly.

"Are you hungry, Katerina?" he asked. She nodded again. "Do you like nectarines?" He received the same response.

He walked back over to his bag and pulled out a few of the ripened fruits. He brought them back to her and noticed her limbs did not shake nearly as much.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" he heard Katerina ask as he was walking toward the curtain, her voice soft yet demanding, making him pause in his steps.

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