Ch 10- You Are Lucky If They Are Even Laughing

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Katerina ran into a nearby alleyway and pressed her back into the brick wall. She placed a hand to head as her confusion deepened and her breath came out in quick burst.
Who was that boy Sebastian was with? Why was he ordering him around? Why did Sebastian look so surprised to see her? Where was she?

Her mind was drowning in an endless sea of questions.

She knew if she wanted to get to the bottom of things, she would have to go into the past. She looked around before placing her hand on the green bracelet around her wrist and focused her thoughts on the young boy she had seen. She felt that same feeling she had when she had traveled to Earth, accept this time she was manipulating time and not space.

Her feet hit ground and she slowly opened her eyes. Those bright colors evaporated and she was left standing in the middle of a desolate forest that looked like something had killed everything all at once with dark energy. From the look of things, she was on an island, but why? She was supposed to see the boy, not this.

A loud crack rang through the air and she had to dodge quickly to avoid the oncoming object that came hurdling through the air at her. She hid in a bush that was still intact and peeked out.

A flash of black skidded across the ground, creating a ditch, in front of her and came to a stop. Sebastian, clad in an almost all black butler ((Haha! See what I did there?)) outfit now covered in dirt, sat up and placed his hand to his head with an angry look on his face. He looked in front of him as a figure suddenly appeared.

"You know, Sebastian, you always were a very cocky older brother," Claude smiled maliciously as he swung the Devils Sword over his shoulder. She noticed how different he looked without his glasses on and how much he and Sebastian looked alike. "I only wish I could have made you realize sooner how evenly matched we really were."

'What is he doing with the Devils Sword?' she thought.

The Devils Sword was an ancient weapon forged from the blood of Lucifer after he died. The Council of Five, a committee made up of five angels from each division of Angels, had his body retrieved shortly after his murder. They then extracted his blood and had it molded into a Sword. Years later, however, the Demons learned that the Angels had a weapon fully capable of killing Demons and went to their King in an uproar. Sebastian had no choice but to demand the sword be handed over considering it was the rightful property of Hell. The Angels refused, of course, and war was quickly threatened. The Committee did the only sensible thing and gave them the sword.

So how did Claude have it? It was supposed to be with the sheath at all times.

"What is the matter, brother?" Sebastian spat as he stood from the ground. "Are you still angry that you never got a chance at the throne? Or are you angry that no one even bothered to ask you if you would take it?" He dusted his clothes off with a wicked smile as Claude looked at him in anger. "It really was a shame. Father really was the only one to give you the time of day. I suppose you had to create followers just so anyone would pay attention to you. Are you really that starved for attention?"

She also noticed they now had British accents.

"You know why I am doing all of this!" Claude said angrily. His fangs became exposed and his irises turned from golden to a glowing deep red and his pupils contracted into slits. "Ash Landers may have failed at giving you the punishment you deserve, but you will not become so lucky with me. You will pay for what you did to Ka-." He suddenly stopped as his eyes glistened and filled with sorrow, almost as if he were going to cry. Sebastians eyes did the same and became slightly distant. Both demons recovered as their jaws clenched. "Her. What you did to her."

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