Ch 9- By the Gods and Their Ruthless Ways

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Katerina could not believe nearly a month had passed by already. She stood in front of the mirror once again, looking at the marking running down her torso. The tip was now at her belly button, meaning it was nearly time for the Ceremony of Grace. Everyone else was excited to receive their grace and begin their respective titles. She, however, knew it meant leaving behind her family and becoming a Demon.

Her heart beat loudly in her chest. She had not even told her parents yet. Would they except her decision? Would they turn her in? Would they still love her?

A million questions ran through her head as she looked away from the mirror and leaned against the wall. She knew she would have to wait until after the Ceremony of Grace to tell them. At least that way, if they ended up hating and never wanting to see her again, she would have somewhere to go without worrying about being caught.

Meaning she only had two days to prepare herself. She may have had nearly a month, but she had tried to keep it off her mind as much as possible.

A confused look came to her face as her stomach gave her a fluttering feeling, like something was running across it, before lurching and pushing the contents of it up her throat. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom.

"Katerina?" Helena knocked on the door a moment after she slammed it shut. "Sweetie, are you alright?"

"Mother...." she called before another wave came at her and she had to lean over the toilet again. She sniffled before turning toward the door again. "Can you come in here, please?"

Helena immediately opened the door and closed it behind her. She sat down beside her as she flushed the toilet and looked to her mother. "Are you alright?" Concern was written all over her face.

"I do not know.... I just feel funny," she replied.

"You are not getting sick, are you?" Helena asked as she placed the back of her hand to her forehead. "It is not common for Angels to get sick this close to the Ceremony of Grace, but-."

"No, I do not think it is that," she interupted. "I think I am just nervous, is all."

"Nervous? What are you nervous about?" Helena chuckled.

"I... It is just.... Things are going to change after a few days," she paused. "Nothing will be the same."

"Oh, honey," Helena smiled as she pulled her into a hug. "I know change can be scary. Even for beings like us, but this is a good change. You will be serving His Grace directly. Not many Angels can say that. I am proud to call you my daughter. I always will be." She gently pet her hair.

'You will not think so when I tell you the truth,' she thought.

"I know," she forced a smile as she pulled back. She took a deep breath and knew now was as good a time as any. "Mother, I need to-." She was interupted by a knock at the door downstairs. She and Helena looked at each other in confusion before heading downstairs.

"Can I help you?" Jasper asked after opening the door.

"Does Katerina Patrova live here?" the Angel standing on the doorstep asked, his face blank of emotion. ((Sorry, everyone. I think I forgot to mention her last name. If I didn't, than this is her official last name.))

"Yes, she does," Jasper replied, looking at his daughter in confusion. "Is there a problem?"

"No problem, sir," the Angel replied. "I am just here to take Miss Patrova to receive her orb."

"Her orb?" Helena asked. "There must be some mistake. Angels do not receive that until after the Ceremony of Grace."

"No mistake, ma'am," the Angel shook his head. "Arc Angels receive their orbs a few days sooner than others so that they may use it as they please before they are to begin their duties." He turned to her and stepped aside from the doorstep. "Follow me, please."

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