Ch 7- We Can Not Stop Their Dance in the Dark

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Sebastian paced back and fourth behind the curtain where Katerina could not see him. Things were not supposed to have gone this far. All he wanted to do was marry her and she had said no. He should have accepted it, but instead he had gone berserk and locked her in a cell... again.

Katerina had been in there for three days now and had not spoken a word to him. Nor had she eaten a scrap of food or a drop of water. He was at his wits end. Seeing how she was not at full power yet, she would die if she did not eat or drink.

He had no choice at this point.

He walked back into the cave, picked up a water bottle, and went over to the cell door. He squatted down so he was level with Katerina, who was sitting in the corner, staring at him blankly with those amethyst eyes.

"Last chance, Katerina," he warned as he held up the bottle. "We can either do this the easy way or the hard way."


Katerina could not believe the way Sebastian looked right now. His hair was disheveled as if fingers had been wracked through it and there were dark circles under his eyes.

Her mind registered that Sebastian was speaking to her, but she could not make what he was saying. Her mind was as blank as her face.

Her first day in the cell, she had begged Sebastian countless times to let her go, but eventually he just started ignoring her. By that point, it was too late to tell him a black spider had crawled in the cell and bitten her. After that, everything had shut down on her and she became unresponsive.

Sebastian sighed when she did not reply and pulled out the key to the cell door. He unlocked and opened the door before sitting beside her and pulling her into his lap. He titled her head back and put the tip of the bottle into her mouth, gently stroking her throat so the water flowed freely. When the bottle was empty, he laid her down on the cote he had put in for her.

"I will be back later. I hope you will have eaten by then. It will be very unpleasant for you if I have to force feed you," Sebastian said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He gently kissed her on the forehead and left the cell before closing the door behind him.

She laid there for a while after Sebastian left, unable to move. She was nearly asleep when the sound of the curtain moving woke her up. She looked around as best she could, but the archway of the cell plus her inability to move made it a difficult task.

She started hearing strange noises, like a large creature was hissing repeatedly. It started speaking in Latin so quickly that she could not understand what it was saying at first.

"You are weary, little one. Sleep now. Sleep," she finally understood just before she blacked out.


(Seven Hours Later)

Jasper, Helena with Paris in her life, and Ash sat in plush chairs in a white hallway surrounded by many biblical portraits and artworks.

Helena looked worse for wear, Jasper looked more angry than usual, and Ash looked like he had not slept in days. Jasmine looked any other child her age, happy and slightly bored because there was nothing for her to do.

"How much longer do you think it will be?" Helena asked, looking over at Jasper.

"I do not know, love. Hopefully not much longer," Jasper replied, taking Helena's hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

Ash placed his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands. "I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I never should have let her go over there. Now that demon is doing the Lord only knows what to her."

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