6| Attractive

978 43 6

Jimin awoke from his slumber.

Today is his break from work.

Jungkook and Taehyung left for a movie.  Hoseok was working extra on his new album
today. But Jimin didn't know the plans of Namjoon, Jin, or Yoongi.

The kitchen was empty. No people or food!

Jimin thought he should go out shopping for groceries. He didn't want to be alone. So he knocked on Namjoon's door. 

Why won't he answer!


He when to the next door.

Jin is gone too!!! Where are they!

On to the next. When Jimin's knuckles hit his door softly his nerves began to grow. For two reasons. First of all he didn't like shopping alone and secondly he was intimidated by him.

The door slowly opened.

When eyes met a slight grin spread across the elder's face.

"Jimin" said in a whispered tone.

"Yoongi, I-I.. umm.. Do you want to go grocery shopping with me?"

Yoongi looked down at his pajama pants and back up to Jimin's eyes.

"Just let me change." Yoongi said with a playful tone.

Jimin giggles

Yoongi stepped out in ripped black jeans and a plain white shirt. Simple clothes, appropriate for a Saturday.

The elevator down had a thick awkward silence. Before Yoongi cut it in half.

" So... Do we have a list?"

"Nope! I guess we will just get what looks appetizing."

Yoongi giggled at Jimin's approach to grocery shopping.

They arrive to the grocery store. Which was surprisingly empty because it was a Saturday.
Jimin when to grab the cart. Color when to his cheeks when the others hand grabbed it at the same time. Hand in hand, Jimin and Yoongi's eyes lock momentarily. Yoongi's face also red. Awkwardly, Yoongi removed his accidentally planted hand.

"Where should we begin?"  questioned Yoongi


The cart was almost full when Jimin remembered.

" I ate the last of the Cereal!"

"I'm glad you remembered!" stated the elder glad he didn't have to go without.

When arriving to the cereal aisle Jimin spotted something that peaked his interest.

"Yumm.." escapes his mouth why looking at a chocolate cereal with marshmallows.

"We need to get that one!" Exclaimed Yoongi.

"No! We don't! I'll get fat!"

Yoongi forcefully grabbed the younger's wrist
"Are you fucking kidding me Jimin!" shouted Yoongi in frustration, " You are so fucking attractive!! Stop taking it for granted"

Attractive, Yoongi thinks I'm attractive?


"...... yeah," whispered Yoongi letting go of Jimin, " We are getting that Cereal"

"Okay," he could feel the blush on his face, which made him blush even more.


Hey! 👋
I'm going to start posting on Wednesday!

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