10| An Asshole

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"P-Park Moooother Fuckiing J-Jimin you're a Asshole!"

"What do you mean I'm a ' Asshole'?!?" Jimin started to panic at the situation.

"Y-You are!!" the rest of his sentence was not understood

" Yoongi? Are you drunk?"

" Y-Yes Sir! I am, but what do you care BUtthOle??"

"Yoongi, Tell me where you are?"

"A bar!"  Yoongi drunkenly spat out.

"Which bar Suga?" Jimin wanted to get him safe even if he had to leave his date.

" R-Red som-ing" Yoongi slurred

" I'll be right there. Say put!" Jimin commanded

Yoongi hung up the phone

Yoongi was seating in a bar called Red Rum
It was dark with a hint of red lights. It actually had a bit of a "sexy" vibe to it. He was already 8 shots of whiskey in and, he was sipping on a mixed drink that a girly girl stereotypically ordered.

After the call Jimin ran back into the restaurant.

"Is your friend okay?" Seulgi asked nicely

" Actually no," Jimin gave an apologetic smile, " He is drunk off is ASS! He even called me a asshole! I really need to go get him. I enjoyed this date Seulgi," Jimin actually did but he wasn't that attracted to her in that way ," I'm really sorry for being that one guy that gets a call and leaves."

Jimin actually hated stereotypes

"Oh it's okay! I enjoyed this. If you want to do this again we can," she gave a bright smile at Jimin

I'm gonna have to past on that, we could be friends still but..

" Bye Seulgi!"

"Bye Jimin"


Jimin arrived at the Red Rum bar.
There where girls everywhere, which made him even more concerned about Yoongi. He didn't want him to be with anyone, especially because of the state he was in.

Jimin spotted Yoongi on a bar stool. A girl with extremely revealing clothes was talking to him. Stirring his drink with the little umbrella and, poked the cherry and placed it on her tongue.

Bitch! Get the fuck away!

Jimin stormed over to Yoongi and grabbed his wrist.

" Come on, Let's go." Jimin looked in Yoongi's glossy eyes. The eldest melted into the gaze and agreed. Then got up and went with Jimin.

Jimin noticed Yoongi struggling to walk and pulled his arm on his shoulder and they when home.

On the drive home Yoongi looked out the window and drifted to sleepy.

He is a sleepy drunk

When they arrived the younger managed to put the elder over his shoulder. He was heavy but he was able to get him into the elevator and sat him down on the ride.

When Jimin got to the house he carried Yoongi to his bedroom. He sat him on his bed and took off his shoes and jacket. Then covered him with a blanket.
He stood back to see if there was anything else he could do for drunk Yoongi.

He is so precious when his is passed out.

His jaw line..

And those fucking lips ..

And his eyes are so full..AND LOOKING AT ME!!

Yoongi grinned " You couldn't keep your eyes off me? Huh...?" he sat up.

Jimin turned red and Yoongi automatically new he got him flustered.

" I... Umm.."

Yoongi got up and approached Jimin

" Jimin," Yoongi crested Jimin's cheek," Baby, Your breaking my fucking heart."


"A-All because I wanted to take you on a Fucking date!!" Tears began to fall down his cheeks

"Yoongi! I Don't understand what you are say-,"

Then Yoongi's lips were pressed into the youngest.

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