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Later that evening everyone made there way back home. Tae and Kook where in the living room with Hoseok. Jimin and Yoongi decided not to tell anyone what they encountered.

Then Namjoon creeped from his room. Cheeks already bright red. He knew they saw Jin because Jin messaged him.

Then shortly after Jin followed with the same bright, red cheeks.

Later that evening Jimin headed to the bath room when Namjoon pull him aside.
Gripping on the his shirt and pulling it up.

" Don't you dare tell anyone," he let go of his shirt, "Please, Jimin" Namjoon had fear in his eyes. Jimin could tell he really cared about Jin

Jimin hugged Namjoon tight

" I wouldn't tell people something that isn't mine to tell"

A grin was exchanged



Namjoon said not to tell anyone.
Please don't tell anyone.

I wouldn't dare. I know how
It feels to be in that situation.

   The secret relationship part ?!
Or the gay part?!?



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