13| Shoe lace

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As the day continued it remained unresolved. There were many awkward eye locks that were quickly parted the remainder of the day. All the roommates stayed at home that day. So there was no room for "alone time" to talk out what had happened.

Jimin wanted to text Yoongi and talk about it but he didn't know for sure if Yoongi has forgotten the night prior.


An annoying sound filled Jimin's room.


Jimin arose from his bed and put on some simple clothes for work.

He walked into the living area. The others gathered for work there.

When he arrived he tried to avoid making eye contact with Yoongi as much as he could. Yoongi was sitting on the couch in some joggers and a tee. Jimin tried to resist and resist looking but he gives up so easily. He looked over to the elder. Yoongi, luckily, didn't catch Jimin sneak a glance.


What have I got my self into...

There office building was huge. It is grey with many tented windows so people couldn't snoop in. It was also located in a remote location. They shared it with many other K-pop groups that would come and go.

The Group enter the large building. Walking to their area. As they opened the doors there was a long hallway that had there office/practice/recording space at the end. It always took them a few mins to get to the end. Jimin was walking in the back of the group next to Yoongi as the others pressed ahead.

" Jimin?"

"Yes?" Jimin replied

" Your shoe," Yoongi grinned looking at Jimin's untied shoe.

"Oh.." Said Jimin as he bent down to retie the laces. Yoongi stoped to wait up on him as the others left them behind. Jimin saw Yoongi's feet still there in front of him and slowly looked from his shoes, to his knees, to his jogger's zipper.. and gulped at the light outline of his soft member on the fabric.

"Ahem" Yoongi raised his eyebrows

Jimin's eyes shot to Yoongi's

Then Jimin awkwardly stood up and started to walk to the office in embarrassment.

And suddenly he felt a strong grip on his wrist.

"Jimin, I know you feel something for me, Take your time but, Please...Talk to me."

"I-I'm sorry, It's just so new and..."Jimin looked at his feet in embarrassment. He knew what he wanted. He was just scared about how strong his feeling were. He was scared of losing him. He was afraid of what the other roommates would think but at least he new that the 'Parents'( Namjoon & Jin) couldn't judge.

"It's okay, Just talk to me later.. alone..." Yoongi stated, "Let's just catch up to the others."

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