17| Past

810 42 4

"Yoongi, Fuck me"

Yoongi pulled away from the younger's soft moist neck. There lied red spots from where he kissed and sucked so tenderly. Looking into Jimin's eyes, "Baby, I don't want to fuck you, I want to make love to you... But not now. I want the time you remember to be great. I don't want to rush us.. I don't want to rush this.. And there maybe some alcohol affecting your judgement." Yoongi joked with a smile as Jimin push his shoulder with a laugh.

"You know I want you so bad. I want you to be with me... I want to wake up with you beside me and be there for you." Yoongi confessed

Jimin smiler as he realized that he left like there was something missing after the accident and being with Yoongi made him feel full..

"Yoongi, I want to be with you"

"Really!" Yoongi had a gaping grin

Jimin started nodding rapidly as he pulled him into a tight hug nuzzling his nose into the nape of Yoongi's neck.

"I've missed you so much Jimin," The elder said pulling him into a tighter squeez.

The couple stayed like this for a while. Embracing each other. As tears of joy ran down Yoongi's cheek because he was finally with his love. The past redid its self.

Yoongi was happy.

Jimin, not in view of his face, didn't notice. When they pulled away from the hug. Yoongi quickly took his sleeve to wipe away the tears.
Not wanting Jimin to know that he was crying.

But.. Jimin.. being as observant as he was he notice.

Placing his hand on Yoongi's he graze his thumb on the drop he missed.

Pulling his face down and softly pressing his lips into the elder's. Yoongi smiles though the kiss. When Jimin noticed him grinning he did the same. The a little more passionately he kissing him again pulling him closer.

Yoongi pulled away again.. "Good Night Baby" he said stepping to the door.

" Good Night"

The pair exchanged a cheesy grin and Yoongi softly shut the door.

So soft!!! ☺️
I love it!
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