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 “EEE!  Stwop it, dada!” “Haha, nope!  You gotta escape the tickle monster!  GrrrrRRRAWR!" With his hands held up imitating claws, he playfully growled and “pounced” down onto Destiny, gently grabbing her and “mercilessly” wiggling a fingertip into her exposed belly, extracting a chorus of squeaks and giggles from the squrimy two year old Her eyes are squeezed shut, her mouth lit up in a big smile, and her entire face flushed bright , and he could tell that she’s starting to get exhausted. That’s always sort of his goal, though: if he can have enough fun with his adorable little girl that she just wants to curl up and cuddle afterwards, then he'd been a good playmate to her. A couple minutes of tickle “torture” later,  he finally relented and let Destiny collapse on her back on the floor, panting contently. “Heh, awww…  Looks like someone’s all tuckered out,” he cooed in a singsongy voice. He reached out towards her, pinky-promising not to tickle her this time.  Gently scooping her up into his palm and petting along the exhausted little toddler’s body,  he shivered in adoration and cute overload when he feels her hum against his fingertip.  God, he loved his precious tiny baby girl. “Mmmmm… Dada…” she mumbled happily—if not absentmindedly—as she sits up and nuzzles into the soft folds of  his shirt. And it was moments like this that he really lived for: cradling that sweet, helpless, tiny life in his hand, knowing that it trusts him with everything it has and relies on him for health, safety, and love. There’s something magical about protecting that tiny treasure with his life. He was laying flat on his back on his bed as he let her lay on his chest. Destiny giggled and snuggled closer happily as she grinned at her father. Emily leaned against his neck, smiling at her two most special people in her life interact. "She really is a daddy's girl." Peter faced her and pecked her cheek before settling her on his chest beside the drowsy toddler. "Yeah, but she's still so perfect to me." The two parents watched their baby girl fall asleep with loving eyes. Peter didn't know what life was going to throw at him, but this adventure was interesting and he couldn't wait to see how it unfolded.

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