Chapter 27

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In the early mist of the morning, the island was silent. The stars twinkled their last farewell as the sun gently rose in the sky. Dawn painted everything in a pale pink light. The Jolly Roger sat in still water, patiently waiting. Chaos erupted as Peter landed on the ship's deck, stabbing a pirate with his sword. Before he pulled it out he asked the dying pirate a question. "Where's Emily?!" His tone was deadly serious. A gurgled response was all he got. Peter flew to the next pirate and the next, slashing, stabbing and questioning. But no one would answer him. Hook watched the carnage, disgusted with his pirates' lack of ability to fight a single boy. Turning he went down to the cabin that held his prisoner. Hook wrenched the door open and startled Emily. "Come my beauty, it's time for you to play your part." Hook sneered as he roughly dragged a cage out of  his cabin. Emily squirmed and tried to fight her way out of the cage. Annoyed Hook grabbed the cage, shaking Emily's body and put his  pistol barrel to her side. "Come out boy! Enough of these games! I have what you want!" Hook roughly shoved the cage in front of him, in plain view. All fighting abruptly stopped. The lost boys watched in horror as their Mother was held hostage. "Now surrender! And I'll let her go free!" Hook's voice rang out across the ship. Silence met Hooks demand. Then floating down from the mast, Peter landed in front of Hook and Emily. Hook scanned the boy's face, searching for some sign or some emotion that would lead to his doom. But there was nothing coming from Pan. "I'll surrender Hook. You will release Emily, who will be escorted home by the braves waiting below in canoes. Who will turn and fight should things not go my way." Peter said. He willed his emotions of relief that Emily seemed unharmed, and his blinding anger to be schooled behind a mask of indifference. He couldn't risk letting Hook know how much he cared for the girl he held captive. Then he might never let her go. Hook sneered at the boy, "Just like that? You'll give yourself up just like that? She must really mean something to you Pan." He goaded. Peter's face remained emotionless. "She's the boys' Mother." Hook was growing irritated. This was not going how he had planned. Pan was supposed to come in raging like a rhino, demand that Hook let his precious Emily go and then Hook was to kill the girl to make Pan pay. But there was no emotion on Pan's face. Nothing to show that he even remotely felt anything more than loyalty to his band. Frustrated he nodded to his men to restrain Pan. Then he threw dropped the cage to the ground. "Your life for hers, boy." Hook snarled. The crew cheered as they bound Peter by the wrists. The lost boys raced towards Peter to help him, but a sharp look from their leader stopped their assault. Emily had hit the deck hard, bruising her knees. She glanced up at Peter who was now being held by two burly pirates. Gingerly Emily stood and moved towards Peter. Her progress was halted by several sword points. She turned towards Captain Hook. "Please! If this is my last chance to see him, at least let me say goodbye." Wendy implored. Hook stared at the beseeching girl, and waved for all to be silent. "Silence all, for a Emily's final farewell!" The pirates parted as Emily walked up to Peter. Peter was pinned to the deck, head held straight, not daring to look into Emily's eyes. She understood what he was doing,he was protecting her and their baby. His eyes said it all, able to read them even better than anyone else. Emily reached her hand up to touch Peter's cheek, only to have it fall to her side again. What could she say to the boy who had come to mean so much to her? "Peter..." She started glancing up through her eyelashes, eyes starting to water. Peter held fast, looking straight ahead. Emily merely stared into his eyes, hers saying everything she wanted to say to him. Suddenly the pirates grabbed Emily and the boys. Panicked, Peter gave a shrill whistle. A war cry rose up from the canoes alongside the Jolly Roger. Hook glared vehemently at Pan. "You'll regret doing that Pan. You. Will. Regret. It."

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