Tie-Breaker; Part Two

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Jeremy notice his partner was a lot like him in opposite. She wanted popularity but was blocked by love. He wanted Love but was blocked by popularity. They actually had a conversation after 'The Leader' sent them to their rooms. The outside in the room of 'Team Six' wasn't quite pleasant. It was a apocalyptic world. The buildings were broken down and even their own room was crumbling. They had their little 'Chat' the minute they enter the room which is divided by a torn curtain. The talk was about how She was in charge and she will kill him if He don't agree.

We enter the room with two beds with a curtain in between and clothing on the beds.  Jeremy felt his collar be dragged aside then feels his back hit a wall, tasting some crumbed off dust on his tongue. He looks down at the woman he has learned to be Veronica. Her dark brown hair was in a bit of curl that reminded him of his mother but her terrifying icy blue eyes shown that she's seen shit. She may have killed, freaking out at the moment but after a while she broke. She wouldn't care if she killed Jeremy right there and now. Veronica says in a beautiful yet serious voice that would make you fear her "Listen Here, Heere. I'm the older one. I've done more fucking shit. I'm the one in charge. Understand?" Jeremy's mouth went dry and he gulped. He nodded out of fear. She smirks "Good. We understand each other. Plus, Don't be a mythic bitch." she drops him, Jeremy falling on his butt on the ground

Jeremy was sitting on the bed with the male clothes he got to wear. They seem to be ready for school sort of outfit expect for the plate of bullet proof armor on the chest. He puts it on. He looks over prepared for school and under prepared for war. He looks at the curtain to see the shadow of Veronica changing. He quickly turns away in fear of her getting mad and such. He was blushing hard.

She came over in an outfit similar to his but deeper blue. He felt like he was given a girl's outfit. They hear a woman's voice and realized there was a intercom in the corner of the room. The woman said, sounding some what pissed "Hello! I'm The Gamer! I am in change of the strongest and smartest! Here are the rules! One, No one really dies but has a copy of them become a zombie you must kill in order to survive! I don't care if you have a deep friendship or Relationship! I'm mainly talking to Jeremy Heere and Michael Mell!" Jeremy already knew he hated this person. Veronica groans "Sounds like Heather Chandler or Duke so fuck me gently with a chainsaw." The voice of the woman continue "Two, The weapons you provided are in your closet so get out of the closet!" Nice gay joke Jeremy thought "Three....THE GAME HAS STARTED!"

Rich P.O.V.

Rich hears the door breaking apart as he and the girl he learn the name of is Mizzy were fighting over a spike ball on a chain. He sees a green hand with rotting flesh. Rich and Mizzy scream, holding on to each other. Once they release, Mizzy jumped out a window. Rich thought she was insane but follows once he sees the body the hand belong to. Rich ran next to the crazy girl with long orange hair with a gun in his hand. They ran past some woods then hears a noise in a bush. Mizzy sneaks up to and opens it, screaming. This earns screams from the bush. One was familiar. He looks into the bush to see Michael and a brunet girl with pale skin and gray eyes who were both screaming.

Rich yells "Micheal!" Michael stops screaming and looks at Rich "Oh...Hi Rich. Who's the orange hair girl?" Rich sighs "My teammate, Mizzy." Mizzy waves "Hello Michael Mell and Zoe Murphy." The girl who Rich is now assuming is Zoe looks up at Mizzy "How do you know our names?" Mizzy sighs and stands up, straight. "First of all, I'm the editor of all the universes of my world's universe pocket. We have copies of all your universes. Second, They mentioned your names when announcing teams." Zoe holds up her hands "Sorry I asked."

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