When I look outside..

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Trees, the evergreens, with their trusty shrouds, always with them all year round, giving us their colour, their hope of Spring, when the poor deciduous will once again, regain their crown.

The sun in it's late winter glory, low in the sky, shining down on us and again, giving us that hope, of the days to come, when the sun, will shine high in the sky and our spirits will rise, with Spring in the air, giving some of us relief from despair.

The birds, ever present, different kinds and melodies, always there to give us a song, be it Winter or Autumn, Summer or Spring, the birds they delight me, whenever they sing.

The people around me, I could watch them for hours, who are they, what are they like, are their lives just like ours?  We walk along on our mission, on a day to day basis, some smile, some give a glance, some walk passed in a trance but all the while we are here, some with presence, some trying to disappear.  I could watch them all day, as they swagger and sway, all going their own way, just getting through each day.

It is Spring that I long for, I am eager to learn, what will flourish, what will grow, what will it teach, what will we know.  It's my favourite time of year, when things truly get into gear, the days come alive, I feel I should thrive, enjoy every moment and be thankful I'm alive.

  It's my favourite time of year, when things truly get into gear, the days come alive, I feel I should thrive, enjoy every moment and be thankful I'm alive

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Words by HazyfantazyWhere stories live. Discover now