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It had been three days since Alana had passed away. Lesley, Safiyah, Thivya and the others had found out. Today was her funeral and they were all attending it. Aryanna was already at the ceremony along with Safiyah, Mahreen and Lesley. Haily and Valy were about to leave.

Another tear ran down Haily's face and she wiped it away. Valy walked up to her and held her in his arms.

"Look, this is what god wanted and we cannot go against his wishes, can we?" Valy asked.

"No... but..." Haily began.

"Shhh. It's alright, everything will be fine" Valy told her.

"You don't know what I'm going throught that's why you are saying this" Haily said.

"I know what you are going through and I"m trying to help you. Look Hails, I love you and I don't want you to be upset" Valy spoke.

"I love you too" Haily smiled.

Soon, they were at the ceremony. Everyone was dressed in black and were weeping. Alana's mother was on the floor, hitting herself and crying. Haily walked up to Aryanna and stood by her side. They were looking down and listening to the prayers being said. Lesley, Thivya, Safiyah and Mahreen were shocked. Aryanna and Haily were standing together. Neither of their friends knew that they were friends againso they stayed quiet and left the questions for later as they were listening to the prayers.

"Hey, I didn't know when to tell you so I'm just going to tell you know" Haily whispered, to Aryanna.

"Tell me what?" Aryanna asked.

"You know when you had your accident, I was taken to the police station as I was accused of pushing you in front of the car. I stayed there for two nights and then it was proved that it was an accident and that I did not push you purposely. Valy was going through a lot, he had to check on you and then come back and check if I was alright but anyways, I just wanted to say sorry. I didn't intend to push you" Haily explained.

"Look Haily, I know and I've forgotten about the past. Whatever happened in the past stays there" Aryanna said.

Haily smiled. Their friends were still confused.

They were know putting Alana's coffin in the ground and covering it up with soil. After a while, when the prayers were finished, people began leaving. Then, Aryanna spotted a figure leaning against a black car. She couldn't make out who it was at first but then realized that it was Amaan.

She ran up to him and embraced him. Amaan put his hands around her and held her tight.

"It's alright, sweetheart" he said to her.

Aryanna cried over Amaan's shoulder for a long time, forgetting about the rest of the world. Amaan had realized that Aryanna had gained her memory.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too..." Aryanna spoke.

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