Chapter 1

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Life in Weatherfield is not what Kate Connor thought it would be. She had  been there for 3 years now and everything has been normal for her you know, get a job, find a place to live which lucky for Kate she lived with her mate Alya Nazir and her lovely Fiancee Sophie Webster. Kate never thought getting engaged was what would change her life so dramatically.

Kate's P.O.V

"Soph, have you seen my keys? I can't be late for work again. Robert and Michelle will kill me if I'm late one more time."  I shouted in a mood. She knows I can't be late but makes me anyway. How else are we gonna afford to live once we're married.

"There where you left them Kate. I don't have them and I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you're slightly late you're their best waitress babe."  I look where I firsted looked and surprisingly they turned up. Why am I not surprised, Sophie was just standing there.

"Okay thanks babe I got them I won't be home tonight just so you remember"

"What? Why not? You never told me this." God why is she being difficult today. I really don't need this.

" It's my hen party tonight Sophie remember, the girls planned it all and you're  spending the night with Rosie anyway. Look I really gotta go to work. I'll see you tommorow or during the day. Bye I love you"  Sophie quickly gives me a kiss goodbye andI leave the flat. Now I can get to work. I check my watch and I'm already 10 minutes late. I'm totally getting in trouble.

No One's P.O.V

Rana Nazir is your average woman. She her long term boyfriend Zeedan Nazir and they are happy and are thinking if starting a family which makes Zeedan's grandmother Yasmeen more excited than Rana. She spends all day in the medical centre and needs a break from all the stress luckily for Rana it's her best friends Hen party and she can relax.

Rana's P.O.V

I wish this shift was over all ready I can't handle any more patients today. Trust me I love  being a nurse as much as any nurse but I've felt so much stress the last few weeks it is draining me.

"Liv I'm going on my lunch break now I'll be back in an hour"

I walked out the medical centre and went to get lunch in the bistro. The food is great and I get to see my husband when he isn't in the kitchen.

I walk in and the first person I notice is Kate. She looks  kinda upset and I'm worried about her, she should be happy.

"Hey hun, what's got you so gloomy"

"Oh don't, I was late again today because I couldn't find my keys and then they finally turned up, I had a customer get rude to me because they had to wait a long time for their meal and I said each meals takes different amounts of time to cook and prepare. So Ican't wait to finish work. Anyway enough about me you alright?" Am I alright, I don't know at the moment I can't even focus at work I'm so stressed.

"Yeah I'm alright, just hoping tonight goes off without any issues. You excited for your hen party, I have designed everything to suit you babes"

"I'm so looking forward to it. I need the night out to be honest and I bet you've done a fantastic job Rana. You know me well enough. So what can I get you for lunch as you're here" I can't believe I forgot why I even came in here for.

" Just a sandwich and side salad please to go"

"Okay it'll be about 10 minutes, so where we going tonight?"

"Well all you need to know is dress up looking amazing and it's a place you'll love"

Kate and I sat there talking till Zee came out with my lunch.

" hey babe why didn't you come and say hello"

" It seemed busy in here plus Kate and I was having a girly chat but now I'm gonna have to love you and leave you. See you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you too babe" I gave him a quick kiss and left. Roll on tonight.

A.N Hey guys this is my very first story ever on wattpad and would really appreciate the feedback and any suggestions. Hope you enjoy this story.

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