Chapter 15

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No one's P.O.V

Once Rana had told Imran everything he needed to know he went back to the office and started to file the divorce and while he was filling out the paperwork his parents turned up to see what was going on with him and his wife. He hid away his laptop quickly and he looked at them and said "Stop going on about everything, she's leaving me there isn't anything I can do plus it was gonna happen now can you leave I'm really busy". They never moved from the office until Imran got a text from Rana asking him if he wanted to grab lunch with her and Kate as a thank you for what he was doing.

Rana's P.O.V

I texted Imran hoping he would come to lunch with us and it wasn't all just to say thank you for his help, it was also because he has travelled and he can help Kate and I find a destination to go on our first holiday. He texted back saying yeah he'd be there but I felt my heart sink when he had mention that our parents would be there.

"Kate, Imran isn't going to be the only one coming to lunch. My parents are with him and knowing them they are going to want to eat at the bistro as it is a real restaurant."

"Okay well I'll call Michelle and tell her it'll be 5 people and ask if Zeedan is working and if he is we can text him and ask if he would be alright with us there and to remind him that your parents think we're just friends."

"Yeah that sounds like a good plan you call Michelle while I go back to the house and find a dress to wear so my parent's don't say anything. I love you"

"I'll call her now and I love you too"

I left the flat and went to the house. I'm hoping no one will be in so I don't have to deal with them. I opened the door and called out to see if anyone would answer and thankfully no one did which meant either Zee was out with the van or he was working and Yasmeen was working. I went upstairs and was going through my dresses until I found a nice red one which showed off my figure but still looked smart. I left as soon as I could so I didn't get seen but on the way back to the flat I felt someone watching me the whole time but I didn't look around because I was scared.

Kate's P.O.V

This is gonna be awkward with Rana's parents, I haven't spent much time with them before and now I need to sit through lunch with them talking about how amazing Zeedan and Rana are together and I don't know if I can do that. I got my phone and scrolled through my contacts to Michelle and dialled her number.

"Hey Michelle, can I change the table size from 3 to 5 please. Is that okay?"

"Yeah sure Kate. How are you doing since the hospital?"

"I'm a lot better now and quick question who working today?"

"Umm Robert, me and Daniel and one of the other waitresses Kelly I think."

"Okay thank you and I should be back to work next week."

"That's fantastic news and I'll see you soon"

When I put the phone down, Rana walked through the door and she looked nervous and scared and she was breathing slightly heavier than usual.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened but I felt someone watching and following me the whole time I left the flat. I think it's Sophie"

"Look I'm gonna talk to her and make her leave you alone now all you need to worry about is getting ready and looking gorgeous which isn't hard for you as you already look like that to me. Also Zeedan isn't working today so bonus." She smiled at me and laughed.

"Quite the smooth talker aren't you Connor"

"Only for you baby" She smiled and walked into the bedroom and started to get ready while I texted Sophie.

Kate: Look I don't know what game you're playing but leave Rana alone Sophie.

Sophie: Why are you being so horrible to me all of a sudden and I don't know what your on about I haven't even see Rana.

Kate: You've been watching and following her today.

Sophie: No I haven't. I've been with someone today so don't blame me. Have you thought maybe Zeedan is stalking his wife?

Kate: Zeedan wouldn't stalk Rana. He isn't that crazy and so we're clear you're over this trying to hurt Rana and I phase.

Sophie: Yeah I am. For your information, I'm seeing someone and we haven't told anyone about it yet but we will soon. I got to go so bye.

If this is Zeedan following Rana then what is he going to do because I cant have her in harms way. She means way to much to me for that to happen and I need to find out what is going on.

A.N Hope you enjoyed this chapter today guys. Sorry it isn't as long as it usually is but I'm making tomorrows chapter a big one. So who do you think Sophie is dating now? Also is it really Zeedan following Rana or not? Let me know what you think in the comments

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