Chapter 10

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Rana's P.O.V

Last night was such a rush that I barely remembered most things except the fact Carla walked in on Kate and I and that Kate actually left Sophie. I got out of bed and went downstairs to get some coffee after that I went upstairs and got ready for work.

As I was about to walk out of the door, I heard someone come down the stairs and I turned to see who it was before leaving.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry that I seemed really pushy last night with the texts. I got worried and you said you were coming home as you felt ill."

"Zee, don't worry it's fine and I never meant to worry you. I've just been really stressed with work and that so I had to talk to Kate someone."

"It's alright Rana, thanks for letting me know you're okay and I'll try not to be so pushy anymore."

"Thanks, Zee, I have to go but I'll see you later"  With that, I left the house before he could say anything and went to Roy's for breakfast.

Kate's P.O.V

I really don't wanna go to work or leave this house today. It's gonna get out that I've left Sophie and people will talk and ask questions. I've been laying here for half an hour trying to get up, it's the worst thing ever.

I got up and went and got in the shower and it was amazing and I could stay here all day if I could. I got out and went to get ready for work, I left the flat and decided to go to Roy's for a tea and a fry up. I walked in and saw Rana sitting there and went up to her.

"Heya, you alright?"

"Hey, I'm good and how are you feeling after that text you sent"

"Yeah I'm alright just hoping no one questions me about it because I know it's gonna get around"

"Things are gonna be alright Kate. I promise also how about tonight I'll come to the bistro and meet you from work and we can have a few drinks and hang out"

"Okay that sounds like a plan and I can't wait.  I hate that I still have to see Sophie all the time because what happens when we're allowed to go public."

"Stop stressing out about this. When we're public things won't be so bad"  I really hope Rana is right plus Sophie deserves someone who will love her unconditionally not me.

"Well I'll see you tonight but I have to get to work before I'm late again. See you later sweetie" I gave her a flirty smile and left.

No one's P.O.V

Rana left Roy's and went to the medical centre to start her shift which was the start of a long boring day. The only thing Rana was looking forward to was seeing Kate again.

Kate went to the Bistro to start her shift and Michelle was the first to see her and asked her what was going on as she was 10 minutes late and Kate just said she wasn't feeling well and that things aren't good at the moment. The truth was Kate knew she was coming down with something and asked Michelle if she could go get checked out at the medical centre and then go home and rest. Michelle agreed but said that Kate had to be there tomorrow early.

Rana's P.O.V

I was just finishing up with a patient when Sean called through to me.

"Rana I have a K Connor here hoping to get an appointment as she isn't really well"

"Yeah, totally I'll be right there" why is she here? I really hope she's okay and nothing is too serious. I walked my patient out and called Kate in.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" I said slightly more panicky then I hoped.

"I think I'm coming down with something and told Michelle I was coming here to get checked out. I've been feeling really tired lately and haven't been able to get out of bed without forcing myself."

"Well, it sounds like you're coming down with the flu or something and have you been feeling anything else?"

Kate's P.O.V

Well, I wasn't gonna tell her I love her, am I?

"Nope, I don't think so, just been thinking a lot about things."

"Well what have you been thinking about"

"You. 24/7 and I can't stop you're on my mind all the time." Well, that's out the bag and I couldn't hold it in.

"You're on my mind all the time too Kate. You don't have to feel bad about it."

"You don't get it Rana do you?"

"What am I not getting? I feel the same way about you that you do about me"

"How can you? I'm in love with you Rana." I felt so overwhelmed by everything that's going on right now and then everything went black.

Rana's P.O.V

"Kate wake up. Kate can you hear me! Sean call an ambulance now!" I shouted as loud as I could. I can't lose her now, I'm so worried about her and I can't do anything.

"They're on their way Rana but what happened?" Sean came and told and ask me.

"I don't know we were taking and next thing I know Kate collapsed. You gotta call Carla now" 

I'm panicking so much right now and I don't know what to do right now.

"Kate please wake up I need to know you're alright. Squeeze my head at least show me something" at that moment Kate slightly squeezed my hand but nothing else happened after that.

"Rana the ambulance is here and Carla has turned up."

"Carla, I don't know what happened. We were talking and then she fainted and all she's done is squeeze my hand that's all. I'm really worried about her now."

"Excuse me, ma'am. We need you to come with us in the ambulance so that we know what happened before she fainted"

"Yeah, I will do. Is she going to be alright?"

"We don't know what's gonna happen. We really need to get her to the hospital and get them to run some tests."

"Carla, can you follow on so you're there to help out with things. I really need you there"

"I'll be there when you get there"  I got in the ambulance and they rushed to the hospital. I can't lose Kate she means everything to me. I'm in love with her. 

A.N so Rana finally realise she's in love and what's wrong with Kate guys??? Hope you enjoyed 😊

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