Chapter 3

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Kate's P.O.V

I can't believe Rana chose Tribeca as the club for my party. She knows that this club is way too expensive for everyone who is here.

"Rana should I be worried about walking in here because I'm kinda worried but excited at the same time."

"Kate, everything is planned and organised and nothing bad will happen, so let go of the negative vibes and be positive and have some fun. It won't be this all the time when you're married you know, trust me."  I laughed and followed them inside.

It looked amazing, it was so much more than what I had in mind and I loved it. There were balloons everywhere and of course I had to wear a sash saying Bride to be.Plus before I could take in the whole scenery I had a glass in my hand which I'm guessing is champagne.

" Let's raise a glass to Kate Connor, the girl soon to be tied done for life. Married life will change you and you will love every part of it. I've seen you fall in love and I've seen you have your heart broken but I know now that you have found that one person who won't hurt you and I am so proud of you little sister. Love you" I looked at Carla for that speech and I had tears in my eyes but never showed it so I downed my glass of champagne.

I shouted " So are we here to party or what let's do this. Round of shots bartender."

No One's P.O.V

Everyone was enjoying themselves and having a laugh in one corner of the room you had Michelle and Carla joking about and downing the champagne and on the dance floor was the bride to be and her best friend.

Rana's P.O.V

I am so happy that tonight is going to plan and everything is great. This night is the most fun I have had in a long time.

" So please tell me you're enjoying your party" I looked at Kate and asked while dancing.

" Yeah, I'm having the best time I have had in a while. Thank you so much for doing this for me, Rana. It's better than I imagined." I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Seeing my best friend so happy made me happy.

" Good I am glad because this was not easy and to get those cheap rooms so we don't have to worry about leaving early or anything. I thought of everything babes. Another drink"

"Yeah sure why not we're having fun and what we gonna drink this time"

" You wait and see it's gonna blow your mind" I walk over to the bar

" Bottle rocket please handsome" I knew I shouldn't be flirty but there is no harm and Zee is not here. The bartender said he would bring it over, so I went back to partying with Kate.

" Alya, come and dance with us don't be a party popper and not dance as you're not drinking"

"Okay I'm coming but this is not my kinda of song remember" She has to be so picky it's annoying.

Kate's P.O.V

I can tell that Alya had pissed Rana off so I walked over to the DJ and asked him to play songs Alya wouldn't complain about. I danced over to them.

" See all sorted now can we dance. Plus that bartender just brought whatever you ordered over to our table and I want some before the rest get into it. Come on!"  I grabbed Rana and Alya's hands and rush them over to the table with I know I was drunk and it's only 12 am so its good.

"Okay bride to be calm down it is only a drink." I heard that from Alya which made me think she doesn't understand how good this stuff is.

" This is a Rocket Bottle, not just a drink so let loose mum" I couldn't help but laugh at Rana's response she always knows how to make me laugh.

No one's P.O.V

After an hour or two everyone started leaving and they all paired up and stayed in whichever room they had. The last to leave of the group was Kate and Rana. They had drunk about everything in the bar and stumbled out of the club and walk about 20 minutes to the hotel they were staying at.

Rana's P.O.V

I and Kate had drunk way more than we thought we would and everything is spinning around me and I don't know what to do to stop it.

" Rana, Rana, is this the hotel I forgot?" She always did sound kinda cute when she was really drunk, I'm pretty sure that's just me being drunk.

" Yeah, it is I think. Yeah, it totally is. I'll check the key card" I checked the card and it was the right place so we stumbled into the receptionist and I ask the person if they could tell me what room I had again as I was so drunk I forgot.

"You guys are on floor 6 room 101 ma'am"

"Thank you so much we needed that" Kate was already waiting at the lift when I finally caught up with her. She looked at me all confused and I couldn't work it out.

Kate's P.O.V

Watching Rana walk up to me at the lift she looked amazing, she was so beautiful and sexy. I shouldn't be thinking this I must really be drunk right now.

" What floor we on Rana?"

" Floor 6 she said. Why were you staring at me all confused just now" Oh shit she wasn't supposed to notice that. I'm so screwed. We got in the lift and it was a slow lift.

" Oh, nothing just thinking about things that is all."

" You're lying to me Kate please be honest. I'm your best friend."

"Fine, I was thinking you looked hot and sexy in that outfit and I know it's because I'm drunk. you happy now" I shouldn't have been snappy but I was because she was annoying me.

"Well this outfit is my best and babe if you got it flaunt it"

" You right I'm sorry I'm drunk"

After I said that it was an awkward silence for a few seconds and I was about to say something when out of nowhere Rana is kissing me.

" Rana, what you think you're doing?" I don't know what to think or do right now.

" Well I was seizing the night and you looked sexy just standing there all pouty" I don't know what came over me but I push her up against the lift and I kiss her with everything I had. I could tell she was shocked but then I felt her relax into the kiss and she had her hands in my hair and my hands went straight for her arse.

Rana's P.O.V

Kate Connor is kissing me and I actually like this a lot. I can't stop myself and my hands go straight for her hair and I can feel her hands move to my arse. I decided to try and get the upper hand by slightly pulling on her hair and she gasped so I took my chance and I slid my tongue into her mouth.

She was taken aback by what I had done but that didn't stop us from battling for domination. She moved her hands up and she moved her lips to my neck and started kissing and sucking on my neck which cause a quiet moan to leave my mouth. It was going full speed till the lift chimed and we had to get out.

No One's P.O.V

Kate and Rana couldn't keep their hands off each other when going to their room. They rushed to the room and once the door was open Rana pushed Kate inside and pushed her up against the wall. Rana couldn't wait to get Kate out of her tight black dress and was fiddling with the zip and couldn't pull it down. However, Kate had other ideas and removed Rana's shirt first and started kissing her neck again. Rana finally got the zip down and left Kate in just her underwear which Rana was enjoying a lot more than she thought. Kate grabbed Rana by the thighs and picked her up and carried her over to the bed and that is when they went way over the friends' line.   

A.N please comment what you think and what you would like to see further in the story.

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