Chapter Twenty-Seven ✧ War

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Do you have your pills?"


"The extra gauze so we can change it later?"

"Of course."

"What about-"

"Veronica!" Talia laughed. "I'm fine!"

Veronica smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I just wanna make sure you're prepared for school again."

"I am, don't worry. What better day to go back than the first day the Serpents are there?" she smiled.

"You're really close with them, aren't you?" she asked.

Talia nodded. "Yeah. It's all thanks to Jughead, but I get along with most of them. I don't think that some of the older ones like me, though. The young ones like Sweet Pea and Toni kind of just took me in, though. Kind of like Jughead."

"But you're not, like, a fully initiated Serpent, are you?" Veronica asked curiously. She wasn't judgemental at all.

She shook her head. "No. I'm an 'honourary' one, though."

"That's good," she smiled. "It's good to have people who care about you."

Talia nodded. "It is. It feels... Different. But good.

"Different?" Ronnie asked.

Talia took a slow and deep breath, suddenly wishing that Andre would drive a little faster so they could get to school. "Lydia and I were always outcasts. We didn't really have any other friends aside from a few people because everyone else seemed pretentious and we didn't want to deal with that. So we stayed together, the two of us, for years. Now I have more people to love and to be loved by, including you and the others, but also the Serpents."

Ronnie only smiled and held Talia's hand tightly. "We do love you, Tal."

"I know," Talia replied, grinning. "And I love all of you too."

The car suddenly pulled to a stop, and neither of them had realized that they were at the school.

"Thank you, Andre!" Ronnie called as she stepped out of the car and assisted Talia in getting out as well. "Did you want me to carry your bag?" Ronnie asked her.

Talia smirked. "Something tells me you're actually enjoying this."

"Enjoying what?"

"Enjoying being able to baby someone."

Ronnie didn't say a word and just beamed at her while she had her large purse on one arm and took Talia's over-shoulder bag on the other.

They went up the steps of the relatively empty school where Archie was waiting for them, eager to assist in setting up the table. Josie and Kevin quickly followed after them.

Before long, most of the normal Riverdale students were lingering around. The front doors opened, and in came Jughead, followed by the other Serpents. Sweet Pea looked pretty happy to see her, but then that happiness suddenly faded into worry.

He came around the table and stood by her while Veronica started the introductory speech she had come up with. Sweet Pea was frowning at her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're here, but are you ready to be back at school? You should be resting some more, shouldn't you?"

She shook her head and took his hand in hers. "It's nice to know you care, but I'm fine. I'm ready to be back here. Plus, there was no way I was going to leave you all at the mercy of Reggie."

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