Chapter Fourty-Three ✧ Dread

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Something very upsetting happened in my country two nights ago. Some of you may have heard of it.

The tragedy in Humboldt has gotten to me very roughly, and for many reasons.

The first is that I love hockey. I'm Canadian; it's in my blood. I may not watch the NHL but I'll go to a local game any day (it's much more fun to watch it live).

The second is that I am their age. Most of the members of the team are 17-19, and I'm almost 18. They were so young, just like I am.

And the last, and most important reason, is one that few of you know. On February 3rd, 2018, my 18 year-old cousin was shot and killed. It was ruled as a negligent homicide, meaning that someone accidentally shot him in the head. It could have been prevented, just like this horrible event, but this is still not the point I'm getting to. The reason why this matters is because his birthday was September 6th, 1999. Upon looking at the roster of the Humboldt Broncos team, I saw that one of the victims, Evan Thomas, had the same birthday. I absolutely broke down. The two of them, victims of something awful which we will never forget, would have turned nineteen on that very day.

I empathize with the families of this tragedy because I know how it feels not to be able to say goodbye that one last time.

Grief is not temporary, but pain is. It will fade away but their memory never will.

To anyone reading this affected by this tragedy, I'm with you.


Chapter Fourty-Three

Jughead eyed Sweet Pea warily while he carved at the small piece of wood with his knife. He and the other two boys had taken a trip out to the woods, and even though it was raining a little, they were enjoying themselves.

Jughead took a drink from his canteen, which Sweet Pea saw had a clear drink in it which definitely was not water, and then tossed it to Archie. "Hey, did you guys know Betty and Veronica kissed?"

"You've had too much to drink, Jones," Sweet Pea laughed in disbelief.

"What are you talking about?" Archie said at the exact same time."

"Apparently, first week of school, during cheerleading tryouts. B and V kissed."

"Really?" Archie said with a smile, taking a little too much pleasure in it. "Why?"

"I couldn't tell ya," Jughead grinned back. "Betty tried explaining it last night, but the rationale still eludes me."

Sweet Pea almost groaned when he saw the look of seriousness slip onto Archie's face. The night before had almost been too awkward for Talia and himself to handle.

"Jug, about me kissing Betty," he started, "there's really no good excuse. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Jughead said, surprisingly calmly. "Admittedly, this is all way more complicated than any of us could have planned."

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