Chapter Fifty-One ✧ Fogged Windows

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Would it make you guys feel any better if I said that part of the reason why I'm not updating as much is because I'm currently obsessing over making edits of Sweet Pea and some other stuff

shameless self promotion FOLLOW ME ON INSTA GUYS @ sweetpeasjacket


Chapter Fifty-One

Talia took a seat about halfway down the rows of chairs set up in front of the makeshift stage Veronica had set up to sing on with Josie McCoy, with Archie's guitar in the background.

Reggie came and sat by her. He gave her a sheepish smile and she couldn't help but feel a little satisfied with the bruise she saw on his left cheek.

When he reached out with his hand, her first reaction was to move away, but he had it out as if he were wanting to shake her hand.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't care if you're a Serpent. I'll leave them alone if you're one of them now. Truce?"

Something told her that, sooner or later, that promise would fail. However, he was trying. That was all that mattered to her. She smiled at him and shook his hand.


Something awakened in her once again. It was a feeling of content which appeared to fade ever so slightly.

The slightly happy mood had passed very quickly afterwards. Veronica had lied to them all. It had been made clear with the flyers Ethel Muggs passed out during her performance with Josie McCoy.

Talia crossed her arms over her chest, feeling the anger boiling in her. Reggie stood up and left, seeming rather bored as Veronica chased Betty out of the room.

Talia didn't follow them. She instead walked outside into the hallway with Reggie, suddenly thankful that Sweet Pea was at Southside instead of at school that day. She instantly felt bad for feeling that way but Reggie was willing to make amends and she wanted peace just as much as he seemed to.

They talked for a while, and just like that, the memories of her time with him and how much she cared about came flooding back.

She'd missed him. He and Jughead had been her best friends for what had seemed like all of their lives, even though it had really been less than a year they had known each other.

However, the happiness couldn't stay for long. Soon enough, she was plagued with thoughts about the darkness which was taking over Riverdale and refused to leave.

Talia really didn't know how to deal with her anger towards Veronica and her parents. All along, she had known about their plans. The entire time. She could have told Talia or Jughead. Even if they couldn't have really done anything, it still would have shown that she trusted them. That she was worthy of their trust.

That night, she was finally finished her shift at Pop's. Sweet Pea had spent the night before at the high school but she had been exhausted after her shift and after calling and hearing just how tired she was, Sweet Pea all but ordered her to go to bed. For once she wasn't willing to argue. This night was different, however.

Talia drove down the street and parked pretty far away from the other cars. She texted Sweet Pea and told him she had some coffee and a warm vehicle for him.

When he got there, though, he looked through the slightly tinted window and saw her not in the front seat, but in the back. She was leaning against the door and watching him. He opened the door opposite from her and just stared at her in intrigue.

"You did say that blankets weren't the only way to warm you up, didn't you?" she asked, reaching up to unbutton the shirt of her uniform.

The smirk that slipped upon his lips was positively wicked.

He climbed into the truck and kissed her, laying her back down onto the cushioned bench seat. His lips ran across her neck and chest and her hands scratched at his back, but the slight pain only goaded him further.

The windows were fogged by the time they were finished and Sweet Pea was sweating, as was she. He certainly wasn't having a hard time with heat.

"Warm?" she asked, panting.

He chuckled, his breath matching hers. He kissed her neck again, where he had left many dark marks as his own personal claim. "Hell yeah, Princess."

He held her on the bench back seat of the truck and stayed there for a long time, talking about what had happened recently and how the Serpents were determined on thwarting Mr. Lodge's plans.

"Every problem in this town lately has been because of him," she whispered. "Except for..."

"The Black Hood?" he muttered, his arm seeming to tighten around her waist. "Well, he's the only problem now. That's the good part, I guess."

She felt her heart race when she thought of the Black Hood but it slowed when he held her.

Everything else seemed to fade away every time she was with him.


Talia watched from the crowd. They were chanting "Save Our School" over and over again, but that did nothing to stop the crowd of teenage boys wearing bulldogs sweatshirts and carrying bolt cutters through the rain.

Talia felt Betty's hand reach for hers and she squeezed it in comfort. Archie was the one leading the group of boys. And he was the first to cut chains. He cut the chains on Jughead's wrists and put a hand on his back, pushing him away from the school.

One by one, the others were cut as well. The chains snapped and fell to the ground with an echo.

The air was filled with defeat and uncertainty but by the time the other Serpents had begun to walk away from the school, Jughead had turned and faced Archie head on. A war had begun between the Lodge family and the Southside months before, but now, it was between Jughead and Archie.

In a way, it frightened Talia.

Sweet Pea was angry but he appeared to be too tired to care. Talia drove him home in her truck after they rolled his bike onto the bed of it. She insisted on that because he was too exhausted to ride it.

He had a quick shower then practically collapsed onto the bed, his head resting on her thigh as he groaned softly with his eyes closed.

She smiled softly. She played with his hair, something she knew calmed him.

"I love you, Sweet," she whispered. "I will love you forever."

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