Chapter Thirty-Four ✧ Type of Lawyer

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"You guys don't get anything for a while"


Look how long that one lasted


Chapter Thirty-Four

General Pickens' head was missing. And because it was the Serpents who protested and Jughead who started the whole mess, there was now an eviction notice on every door in the trailer park.

That included the homes of just about every Serpent.

Jughead called her, panicking, right before Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs did something similar in a flurry of answered calls, missed calls, and texts.

Talia sent Lee a brief text on what had happened, then took her truck and rushed to the Whyte Wyrm.

Talia arrived at the Whyte Wyrm and was greeted by FP and Penny Peabody sitting at the table, with FP looking exhausted. Other Serpents, including her friends, stood behind him while they watched Tall Boy shout angrily at Jughead.

"You broke Serpent law!" Tall Boy all but screamed. "You never hurt one of your own!"

Talia was quick to walk forwards and push Tall Boy back, who was caught off guard and didn't try to retaliate.

"You've been nothing but cruel to him for months," she hissed. "You don't get to talk about 'one of your own'."

"This isn't your problem, outsider," Tall Boy growled.

Sweet Pea moved from behind everyone else and shoved Tall Boy out of his chair, yelling a string of curses. Fangs and Toni yanked him back while FP got between the two of them, pushing back an enraged Tall Boy.

"Yes, it sure as fuck is, Tall Boy!" Talia shouted, stalking towards him. "Four of the people I love most stand in this room, so it is very much my problem!"

"One of those friends took a chunk out of my arm," Penny said, standing up and walking over to them. "But I'm still willing to help the Serpents. Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices; they're legit. Luckily I can think of about fourty-one ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years."

"What's your price, Penny?" FP asked, his head going down in defeat.

"Blood for blood. An eye for an eye. I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out."

Then she turned back to face Talia and Jughead, a wicked smile forming on her lips.

"Oh yeah, one last thing. I want his tattoo carved off. And I wanna do it myself. With a dirty knife."

The door of the Whyte Wyrm suddenly opened and closed, and the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the building before coming into view.

The people were all those whom Talia recognized. Lee, Rachel, Cal, and a few other Royals. Her jaw went slack. Cal and Rachel weren't the only Royals in Riverdale?

Her eyes landed on Lee, and she said her name in surprise when she saw what her cousin wore. She was wearing a Royals jacket.

The other Serpents were staring at the Royals in nothing but shock. They must have heard about the Royals before.

Sweet Pea, on the other hand, had a smile that mimicked the one Penny herself had worn only moments before.

"That won't be necessary," Lee said, giving Penny a smile with a degree of malice Talia hadn't even known the woman possessed. "You aren't needed here, Penny. Not with the Serpents."

"Who the fuck are you?" Penny shouted in awe. "You think you can do my job better than me?"

"Of course I do," Lee said with a smug look. "You're the so-called 'lawyer' for the Serpents, Peabody, but I'm the one who fights for the Royals. I am one."

Talia was having a difficult time believing her. What on earth did she mean? She was a Royal? She had never told Talia?

"With the shit we get into on a regular basis, she has to be the best of the best to handle us. And believe me, she is," Cal grinned.

"That's right. Now move along, lady," Rachel said with a laugh. "Snake Charmers don't have enough energy or power to play with Royalty."

Penny was silent, but fuming.

"Talia is my cousin," Lee said, gesturing to her. "She is my family. And she loves the Serpents. That means she will defend them until her last breath and if that's what she wants, then so will I. Now it's time for you to go, Peabody."

"They mutilated me!" Penny screamed.

"Darling, I deal with the Royals and the Saints!" Lee laughed. "In my world, if you were mutilated after all the shit you've pulled - which I could easily take you down for, by the way - you would consider yourself lucky. People like us wouldn't have let you get out alive if you were blackmailing and using your own people for your own selfish gain. Now, as I said, you aren't needed. Get out."

Penny's anger had faded to anxiousness and fear. When she didn't move, Lee took a step forwards.

"But if you care to fight me on this, kid, we can definitely come to an arrangement involving a gun, a bullet, a shovel, and a hole."

Talia couldn't have been more awestruck and shocked than she was in that moment. That was a big secret her cousin had been keeping.

Penny rushed out of the Whyte Wyrm, the Royals watching her tauntingly with smirks on their faces.

Lee walked over to Talia with an uncertain look. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Tal. It seemed for the best at the time."

Talia's eyes as wide as saucers. "I-It's okay."

"But hey, I also never told you what kind of lawyer I was," she smirked. "Besides, how did you think I knew Cal and Rachel so well?"

When Talia looked over at the group, she saw that Tall Boy had left and FP was leaning back in his chair in relief.

Sweet Pea came over to Talia and wrapped her up in a tight hug, and Talia was taken aback but more than happy to embrace him too.

"I'm glad you didn't fight him," she said, remembering the bruises that still lingered on his knuckles. "I don't want you to keep getting hurt."

"I'd fight anyone for you," he replied, as if he said it every day, as if the sentence held no true significance. But it meant the world to her.

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