Chapter Fourty-Seven ✧ Flicker

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It's been 84 years...

*cough* 11 days...

Since I last updated...

And unfortunately we may be nearing the end of the book I'M SORRY

I MIGHT go to the end of the second season, idk, depends on how much inspiration I have for it


Chapter Fourty-Seven

Sweet Pea's thumb ran softly along Talia's hip. He hoped that just holding her, feeling her head on his chest, knowing that she wasn't afraid of him, would help. It did, but it didn't help to stop the hallucinations.

He briefly wondered why needing Talia in the day he did that night was his reaction.

He had barely slept that night. He felt the scratches on his back from Talia's nails and the soft ache on his neck from her lips, and contemplated that maybe he had just wanted the pain and pleasure. He wanted to focus on anything else, and he could only do that with her.

It was late in the night. The candles still flickered, but were melting quickly and he thought he should put them out but didn't want to disturb her.

He had held her like this a few times before, her head on his chest and his arm around her, but never had his heart been racing so quickly - and never for any reason but the simple fact that he was there with her.

His eyes went to the foot of the bed, and his breath caught in his throat. The man was standing there, blood dripping down the side of his face as the blade of the axe stuck out of his skull just above his eye. It had made a split between the spot above his right eye and the top of his forehead.

The man stared at him, his skin pale and grey. His eyes were sunken in and dark. When Sweet Pea stared at him too, he could see that the man's eyes were as black as night.

The man suddenly took one long stride forward, and looked like he was preparing to stand up on the bed.

Sweet Pea sat up almost immediately, breathing heavily with a thin sheet of sweat covering his skin and his heart pounding in his entire body. He had had a nightmare of the man, and he suspected it was one of many.

For a moment, he didn't hear her saying his name or feel her hands. But he was forced out of the daze he had been in when her hands gripped his face and forced him to look at her.

"I'm right here, Sweet!" she said, her brow furrowed in concern and worry. "I'm right here because of you. Whatever you just saw, I'm here because you saved me. Do you understand?"

He could only nod, and his hand went up to rest over one of hers. He closed his eyes for a moment, allowing his breathing to calm.

"Sorry, Princess," he said, still slightly out of breath.

"Don't apologize," she replied, shaking her head.

They were quiet for a long time before Sweet Pea's eyes caught Talia's phone sitting on the nightstand, completely dead. "The power still isn't back?"

She shook her head. "No, but we have water thankfully."

They heard sudden footsteps coming up the stairs and Sweet Pea became very aware that Talia wasn't wearing anything under the sheet. He proceeded to throw it up over her as she squeaked right as Jughead barged in.

"Hey guys, the power's back on Pop's side of town-" he started, then looked on in silence with wide eyes. He then quickly backed out of the room while Sweet Pea stared after him with a stone cold expression.

He heard Talia laughing under the sheet, and the corners of Sweet Pea's lips lifted.

He would continue to convince himself that there was something wrong with him, and each time she saw or felt him slipping away from her she would remind him that he was the definition of perfection in her eyes.


The others left in the morning. Toni and Fangs came over after Talia finally told them everything that had happened the night before. They went to Pop's for a while, and she saw Sweet Pea progressively get more and more comfortable. He still seemed somewhat stiff; unwilling to try and open up again. She knew it would be a long time until he did but she was there until then. She would wait forever if she had to.

She reached out and put a hand over Sweet Pea's, her eyes meeting his while he looked down at her from his spot beside her in the booth.

"We're okay," she reminded him. "As long as we're all together, we always will be."

Fangs and Toni were silent, but then put their hands upon those of their friends and held them.

She laid her head on Sweet Pea's shoulder, and he took his hand from the pile in order to wrap his arm around her to hold her close.

She hadn't known it until she met him, but Talia had always wanted something that was so incredible and powerful that it would overcome anything. She had wanted something that made her heart burn with passion like a raging fire. And with Sweet Pea, she had it. She had everything she had ever wanted.

If only it could have lasted peacefully.

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