Chapter Fourty ✧ Royals On The Left

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This chapter was actually really nice to write because it was less dramatic and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

Just like the thought of how I'm going to see Palaye Royale with @Rudy0128 next Monday :D



Chapter Fourty

Talia had insisted they not throw a party for her. Of course, Veronica and Betty absolutely insisted that they would have one, and they did. They decided to throw it at Pop's, and before long, her friends from the Serpents had also showed up.

Luckily, none of the Bulldogs or Vixens who were invited cared about the Serpents' presence. In other words, Reggie wasn't there, and Cheryl had slowly started to be less cruel about them being around. She was still harsh, of course, but she didn't make any comments during the party.

It was a nice party. They ate and danced and enjoyed old memories of when Talia had first come to Riverdale, and more importantly, all which had happened since then. Afterwards, Talia had to disappoint Sweet Pea by telling him that she was going to be having a sleepover with Betty, Veronica, and Toni. She would have invited Cheryl too but she didn't think the red head and Toni got along very well at all. Talia, though, had caught Toni glancing at Cheryl every once in a while. She had her suspicions.

Rachel wasn't there either. Unfortunately, she had said that that night was when they had to leave. Talia was disappointed, of course, but she had been happy to spend the time she had with her old friends. They were going back to New York to deal with "Royals business" as Cal had put it.

"So why isn't the red-head here?" Toni asked, taking a seat on Talia's bed.

Talia smirked a little. "Why would you like to know, Toni?"

Toni blinked, but almost smiled. "I just noticed you seem to be friends with her. You're not as close to her as you are to us but..."

Talia nodded and decided to let her off easy, but Betty and Veronica were smiling. "Yeah, maybe I'll invite her next time. Cheryl's okay with me because I'm friendly with Josie, but she's not really okay with the Serpents - or anyone else for that matter."

Each of them left the conversation alone, and briefly, they actually spoke about Betty's brother. Betty didn't like him; she had made that much clear. In all honesty, neither did Talia. She got a very bad vibe off of him. It reminded her of Gomez.

Finally, Talia decided it was time to show them the plan which she had been going over for a long time.

"So, I know that Sweet Pea's birthday isn't for another month, but I finally have enough and I wanted to get him this," she said, turning her phone screen to them with a wide grin. "I was thinking of asking Jug to come with me since he'd be the best with it."

Each of their jaws dropped, and Toni immediately took the phone from Talia.

"Holy shit," she squeaked, staring at the photo while the other girls struggled to get a closer look. "You wanna get him a motorcycle?"

She nodded. "His has some issues with it. I don't want him to spend all the money he gets from the Serpents on it all the time. He should be saving some, and this one is still used but much newer."

"Oh my god," Betty grinned. "Tal, he'd love that!"

Talia couldn't help but mirror Betty's expression; the girl's happiness was absolutely contagious. "I know. It's a thank you for everything he's done for me. He's gotten me gifts and given me so much," she said, her tone suddenly becoming more serious. "I don't think I could ever repay him, but this is a start, isn't it?"

"Hell yeah it is," Toni laughed.

"Do you have any other plans for it?" Veronica asked curiously. "I mean, it's amazing, but it's blue. Have you thought of painting it?"

"Yeah," Talia replied, taking the phone back to show them what she was thinking. "I think I'm going to have it painted black and then have some Serpents detailing on the gas tank and maybe the tire covers."

All of them thought the idea was great. Toni and Veronica, of course, would never know the true extent of what Sweet Pea had done for her. He had buried the man and looked after it all so that she wouldn't have to and that meant the world to her. Betty knew that.

However, Betty still didn't know just how much Sweet Pea had affected her.

Every time she looked at him, her heart raced and then felt like it would stop all within the same second. Then she calmed because that was what he made her do. He made her excited and wonderful and happy all within seconds before calming her soul in ways she never knew anyone could. He had taken her world and shaken it to its very core. In the end, though, that was exactly what she had needed. Her life would never have been the same without him in it and if she ever lost him it would be destroyed. She knew that now.

Talia had tried her absolute best to never depend on anyone. And yet, here she was.


Late that night, after the three others had fallen asleep in the living room on the air mattresses and the assortment of pillows Talia had brought out, she heard a knock at the door. Her heart skipped a beat before she went to it, hoping the knocking hadn't woken up her friends.

She looked through the peephole and sighed in relief when she saw Cal. She opened the door and let him in. He saw the others in the living room and whispered.

"I don't have long but I needed to give you your gift."

He suddenly took her left hand and reached into his pocket, pulling out a gold ring with a purple gemstone in it before putting it on her left middle finger.

"I don't know when we'll be back," he said, glancing outside. "But I needed to tell you this: you may be a Serpent now, Tal, but you've always been a Royal."

He hugged her tightly, and with that, he let go and turned to get into his car before driving down the street and leaving Talia in a tired and yet saddened haze.

She looked down at both of her hands.

A Royals ring on the left, and a Serpents ring on the right.



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