Chapter Fourty-Four ✧ Secure

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This is a long one

And a dramatic one

Also I'm really upset because I went to see Palaye Royale last night and I caught Emerson's drumstick and some 40 year-old lady took it away from me and I am so incredibly sad about it

Okay, enjoy


Chapter Fourty-Four

"I don't get it," Sweet Pea said with squinted and confused eyes. "Doesn't that mean we get to keep our trailers?"

"He is gobbling up the Southside piece by piece!" Jughead shouted angrily.

"Wait, slow down," Archie insisted. "Mr. Lodge is the one evicting people from the trailer park?"

"No," Jughead said, calming slightly. "Technically he cleared us of our debts and revoked our evictions."

"We get to keep our trailers," Sweet Pea confirmed. "So what the hell is the problem, Jones?"

"It's tactic! It's a smokescreen; PR 101. He's trying to buy my silence again!"

"Good lord, Jughead!" shrieked Veronica. "How much of a narcissist are you?"

"Maybe he just wanted to do something good," Talia added, wanting to think the best of the man who had paid the bills for her when she was shot.

"I know you love conspiracies, Jug," Archie said. "But take the win, bro, and let's celebrate."

They decided that celebrating was probably the best idea, and Jughead let it go. They played Monopoly and Sweet Pea took great pleasure in the fact that he owned the most places.

"Sorry, Princess," he snickered. "I'll be needing $1700 now."

She rolled her eyes with a smile and handed him the cash.

"I have a hotel on Park Place!" Veronica grinned. "Which brings your total to $1500. Sorry, B. It's nothing personal."

"Yeah, I know, it's just business," Betty laughed, handing over the money when her phone rang. "Ew, it's my mom. Should I answer it?"

Everyone said no, but she decided she'd answer it in case it was about Chic.

"Hey, I'm gonna get some more wood," Sweet Pea said, standing up. "Don't start again without me," he said sternly but with a joking tone.

"By the way, when are we ever gonna get to meet Chic?" Veronica asked.

"You don't want to," Talia muttered.

"I actually did before we left," Jughead commented.

"And?" said Veronica eagerly. "How is he?"

"Honestly, he's actually kinda creepy."

"Guys," Betty said with a defeated tone as she came back.

"Everything okay?" Talia asked.

"No, actually... My mom is freaking out because... Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register."

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