Chapter 6:Loving Fight

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Sunset: I want to add a ship, so I was originally gonna call this chapter ' Livin with a zombie ' but I changed it, as I have a new idea! Well the ship is Tamatilda(Tamara X Matilda) because that's my second otp ship for edd/ellsword! ToriEll is may favorite! Anyways, to the story!

*~Tamara's POV~*

Matilda and I were fighting for a long time now.


" You are to! You hurt her feelings! It wasn't her fault she got into this mess! Its the zombies fault! " I shouted back

" Still! I will move in with the neighbors until Tori's out, or cured! " Matilda said and turned around to Alana's place(I'm bringing the neighbors in soon, Idk mark and Jon's female names so Jon is Jessy and Mark is Martha)

I grabbed Matilda's shoulder and spun her around facing me and gripped onto both of her shoulders. " You are staying here and away from those brat's! " I said and kissed Matilda

*~Matilda's POV~*

I was in shock. Tamara was kissing me. I kissed back. My face was a bright red, Tamara's checks were flushed pink and she grabbed my hand and we walked inside looking normal, seeing Tori laying on the couch with Ell, watching TV.

" Heyya " Tamara said and let go of my hand and grabbed her flask.

" Oh hey! Nice to see you back in! " Ell said with a smile on her face. Tori just sat there and waved.

Me and Tamara walked into the kitchen. " Hey Tamara "I asked as we sat down.

" Yeah? " she asked with a smile on her face.

" Sleepover? Although we live in the same house. " I asked.

" Sure! We can do it at your room! But we should go unpack our bags first " Tamara responded

" okie! " my cheeks were tinted pink.

" Hey Ell, me and Matilda are gonna unpack our bags! " Tamara said and held my hand and we walked out to the car. We grabbed our stuff, Mine was in Tori's car as I rode with her and Tamara rode with Ell.

*~Ell's POV~*

I watched Matilda and Tamara walk out and get there bags slowly, they chatted a lot and giggled , they were holdings hands when they came in from the fight and left to get there bags. I think there's a ship starting.

Tori was passed out, she was really cute when she slept. I thought I'd bring her to her room though, so I picked her up bridle style and carried her to her room. On the way she rapped her arms around my neck, I could tell she was awake but she acted like she was still sleeping. I smiled and opened her room door and set her on her bed. She wouldn't let go of my neck as she wanted me to say. I sat down beside her, she woke up fully and sat up beside me and hugged me closer. " Thanks for helping me Ell " she said. I put her in my arms and layer down with her. And we rested.

*~Tamara's POV~*

Me and Matilda took our bags in and unpacked. When we finished I came over with pajamas and sleep stuff into Matilda's room and we started the sleep over!

Matilda had put makeup on me and it surprisingly it looks good! I did Matilda's makeup and she loved it. I kissed her on the cheek and she blushed and hugged me. She toppled over and we laughed for a good while, then we to!d o!d funny stories. Loads of fufear*~Tori's POV~*

I woke up and noticing Ell and I were snuggling. I woke her up and we walked to the kitchen, it was late and we heard Tamara and Matilda laughing there butts off in Matilda's room. Ell made bacon again and we ate. One time she fed me the bacon.

" Yummy! " I said eating my bacon. Then I heard a,bang on the windows,from other zombies! I grabbed Ell's hand and ran to Matilda's room and bursted in. It startled them. " What was that for Tori?" Tamara asked. " MORE ZOMBIES! " I yelled.

Tamara's eyes were white in fear and Matilda sat there in shock.

"Guy's! Follow me to the basement!(they have a basement now)" Ell said still holding my hand " get your stuff! " Ell said and we ran and got stuff from the kitchen and our rooms. Tamara and Matilda got there stuff and we all went to the basement.

Sunset:Like that chapter? Well see you in 'Zombie Nation'(next chapter)!

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