chapter 3

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* 2 week later *

Justice pov

       Kevin has'nt been home in two weeks " thank god'. This isn't the first time though. Sometimes he would be gone for months at a time. Even though he's probably with no one other than his wife/baby mamma and kids. Spending quality time with them.

I wonder if she even knew about me. Just the thought of this shit low key broke my heart even more, because he's supposed to be my baby's daddy, my husband and I'm supposed to be his fucking wife. I know this was some crazy ass shit for me to be thinking but DAMN . That mentally crazy ass nigga had my heart . Only because, he was my first everything. He was my first boy friend , my first love not to mention he took my damn virginity, he also took me in when I needed some one the most.

I was dating Kevin after my grandmother died and when my brother left my ass high and dry. He and my best friend only knew about my situation at the time. So he took me in like I was family , he even told me that I was all that he cared about. I was 15 turning 16 and he was turning 18 ,and that first year he whined and dined me like it was nobody's business, but you could tell that some thing had changed in him ,because he acted like a different person. That's when he stared beating me and locking me in the house, I would  have been up and left but i had no where else to go, then he started telling me how I was nothing, but when he did all these mean things to me he would take me shopping spending stacks on me , buy me expansive jewelry, or even take me out of the country. Damn I really needed my best friend my ride or die Tamia . To bad I couldn't tell her whats going on Kevin told me to stay away from her cause we were to close.  I was to ashamed of this shit.

   I was in the kitchen eating grapes till my thoughts was broken, by the door opening and a women laughing loud as hell. "Ugh what could be happening now", I though to myself.

*Kevin pov* --------

"Baby its time you let that little bitch go. Im tired of you fucking leaving your wife and kids for some fucking little teenager. Its either me or that whore you choose". Amber yelled at me truth be told I couldn't hear her ass over these loud vocies in my head. The voices been there ever scince I was little kid, I can't control them ; on top of that I was taken PCP and that didnt make any better.

    " slap that bitch and make her happy when you're done". The voices kept repeating in my head.


   SLAP!!!  I slapped Amber one good time across the face and she was on the floor facedown. " Damn shut the fuck up". I hissed at her. A smile spread across my face because the voices had  stopped and I was satisfied. Till she started crying loudly , then I went to comfort her.

"'re not supposed to hit me like that not your wife, not me. She started back crying loudly again. Why can't I ever get a fucking break. " you know I love you in my kids and I choose you over anybody, I do anything to prove to you that I love you ". I said honestly trying to console her . I know your thinking that I make bitch ass moves by beating on Justice every night, but damn I had problems, I did love Justice in one point of time , but the damn voices in my head kept telling me  that she was against a nigga, that she only used me when I took her in like family and that she loved her friend Tamia more than she loved me, so I just decided to cut off from the only person she truly loved. and at that moment when I cut them two off from seeing each other .She was even more vonaroble, and weak then before.

"WELL .THEN . PROVE . IT". she said in between sobs with so much hate and angry in her voice.

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