Chapt 13 (I love you)

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Justice Pov
First we're going to go the mall to shop alittle, then we're gonna go to the movies and out to eat. "justice hurry up!" Tamia said as we walked in the mall. "I'm coming gosh" I replied "so what's the plan" I asked "we're only gonna be here for a couple hours the movie starts at 7:30, so do what you gotta within these couple of hours" Jerome said "yeah yeah whatever come on I'm ready to shop" Tamia said. Jerome gave her a look and she just laughed and started walking away. Kendrick came up beside me and snaked his arm around my waist. "what makes you think I wanna walk like this" I smiled at him. "don't stunt on a nigga now" he smirked down at me. "nobody stunting, maybe I don't want you" I smirked back "you say that now but after I'm done with you, you ain't gone want nothing but me" he replied back. I just smiled and kept quiet as we walked behind Tamia and Jerome. "shut up stupid" Tamia pushed Jerome "better keep those hands to yourself" Jerome said. Oh lord here they go...

Hours later
"Damn yall bought up the whole mall literally" Jerome said carrying our bags to the car "you said get whatever, so we were just doing as told duhh" Tamia said "you asking for a ass whooping little girl"he said getting in her face "you ain't gone do nothing nigga" she said looking up in his eyes "now move aside" she added. He grabbed her and pulled her close whispering something in her ear. whatever it was must've had her scared because her eyes got wide. He pulled back smirking at her. "Soo are yall done with whatever that was, because the movie starts soon" I said "yeah let's go" Jerome said chuckling. We all got in the car me and Kendrick in the back, and Jerome and Tamia up front. 20 minutes later we arrived at the theatre and got out. after we got our tickets, and popcorn, Tamia and Jerome went somewhere up top and me and Kendrick sat at the bottom. I've been waiting to see hunger game: mj for a long time so I'm ready to watch this movie!

Tamia's POV
Me and Jerome went to the top of the theatre in the 2 seaters. As the movie was starting I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me and put his hand on my thigh. I smiled up at him and pecked his lips then turn't back to the movie.

After the movie
Me and Jerome were sitting across from Each Other making eye contact, but not making it to obvious. We don't want to tell Justice just yet about what we have going on because we're not forshore how she's gonna take. "so did you guys enjoy the movie" Justice asked making us look away "yeah it was Uhh really gud" I said looking down at my food knowing me and Jerome didn't really pay attention to the movie. "What's up with you guys yall have been quiet since we left the movies" Justice asked curiously "nothing Justice damn" Jerome said "you don't have to get snippy with me" Justice said. "Whateve" he replied. After that, dinner was Awkward Kendrick and Justice made small talk until we left.
When we got home we all went upstairs , me Justice and Jerome. Kendrick went home because he had some business to handle. Me and Jerome went into his room and it was quiet until i spoke "what do you think of us as" I asked just above a whisper "what you say?" He asked "what do you think of us as? Are we dating or what?" I asked again "Your mine and I'm yours if that's what you mean. I care about you, we been knowing each other for a long time and I want us to keep getting to know each other because I....I love you....

•sorry we made you guys wait been alittle busy but here's Alittle something that we threw together. It's not the best but it's better than nothing 😂
•better update coming.
•our season is finna start so we're gonna do our best keeping up with the updates.
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