I'm sorry

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"What happened." He asked me.

"It all happens at school, there was a setup and Mia saw. So I looked for her in places she would be and  found her at the hill." I said to him.

"She was covered in so much blood, I don't want to lose her." I couldn't hold it anymore, the thought of losing Mia scares me a lot.

I started to cry there in my seat, I felt someone wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"she will be fine." Elena said to me.

"Seeing her with blood scared me, I can't lose her." I sobbed.

"We are scared too,but just hold on to that little thing called Faith." She said smiling at me.

"She can't leave me." I whispered.

"She won't." My mom said to me while hugging me.

Our friends arrived and we just waited there.

Two hours have passed, but felt like ten. I need to know.

Finally the doctor came.

"How is she, please tell she is fine." I said to him trying to catch my breath.

"She is fine. She is just sleeping right now." The doctor said to us.

"Can we go see her." Blake asked.

"Yes, but only two people can go in." He said.

Blake and Elena went first, I wanted to go first but they are her parents I couldn't exactly say let me go.

A while later they came out and I rushed to her room.


My poor Mia. I wish it was me there and not her.

"My bunny, I'm sorry this happened to you."

"I love you so much. Sorry I didn't keep you safe."

"Caleb." She whispered.

"Mia, I'm sorry. This is my fault." Tears were falling down.

"It's not." She gave me a smile.

"Feels like it is." I sobbed.

"It was a stupid setup." She started to cry.

I sat down next to her and grabbed her face, "Mia, i would never cheat on you." I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry I thought that." She said looking to my eyes.

"Who did this?" He asked with a serious tone.


"She will hear me." I said in a cold tone, no one messes with Mia.

"I thought I was gonna die there, the pain was too much." She started to cry.

I hugged her.

"I love you." I whispered.

I left her to sleep. And went to sit on the couch, I wasn't going to leave her alone.

"I owe you an apology " I saw Blake take a seat next to me.

"I didn't mean to make you think because of Kai I didn't want grandkids."

"I'm not one to judge." He said to me.

"I love Mia, I still see her as that little two year old who would run around the house in her diapers."

I couldn't help but chuckled at that.

"Guess I just don't want her to grow more than she already is." He sighed.

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